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Every progressive industry features value above Prlce.
The buyer wants his money's worth and is willing to spend more to
Gbt Mobd
Believing in that-we ofierthe best value in screens that moneY will buY.
The new kilns will be of tile and concrete, 12 feet wide and lO4 feet long, inside measurements. The fans will be carried on a sin[ie longitudinal shaft below rail level an4 the kilns will be"automitically controlled by Foxboro dualbulb Recorder-Controllers. According to officials of the Moore Dry Kiln Company of North Portland, Or-egon, these kilns incoiporate rec&tly perfected control methods which afford substantial savingi in power and steam consumption in the drying of Douglis Fii aad West Coast Hemlock.
The sawmill of the White River Lumber Company was rebuilt about two years ago and is modern in every -dgtail' Up to the present time, t-he lumber has been flumed from tft'. -itt of.t . distanci of five miles to the planing mill' which has been located in the city of Enumclaw. Reconstruction of the planing milt at thi mill site at Camp Ellenson will efiect eionomies of an important nature, and upon the completion of the dry kilns, the White River Lumber Comoanv will be in posilion to furnish kiln dried common *ill is clear lumbir. The retail yard and general offices of the company will remain at Enumclaw.
Officers of the White River Lumber Company include Mr' Louis Olson. President and Mr. A. G. Hanson, Vice-President.
McCormick Golf Tournament
Soonsored bv the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Go' and tft. in"Cot-icli Steamship Co., San Francisco, a succfssful medal play golf tournamint open to- the emptoyes of both "orr..rri. *is tteta at Ingleside Golf Course on Sunday, September 21.
Stanley Sherwood, of the steamship colnPany'-w"l tlf low grois prize with a score of &4, and George. Bushnell, also 6f the steamship company, was runner-up with a score of 90.
First lorv net prize was won !y- another steamship man, George Ewald, whose score was 85-20-{5-
J. Walter Kelly, of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. "ni Bob Maddairgh, McCormick Steamship-Co-, tied for second lorv net Itonors with scores of' 97-2*71, and 99-28-7r.
Miss Helen Graham, of the steamship company' who had charge of all the arrangements for the tournament, turned in the best lady's score, 9411-79
Eight foursomes took part,- and the players were followed b1' a large and interested gallery.
Mrs. M. M. Taylor
Mrs. Margaret Madeline Taylor, wife -of- Henry- -W. Tavlor. of BErkelev. former lumberman, and vice-president of San-Francisco -Hoo Hoo Club No- 9, died at Oakland, September 26.
Ted Wright,