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Toke Aduantage of tbese Free Seraices !
PaSes ftotn !'MoDERN HOME INTERIORS," ono of the tnany booklets published by the National Lumbet Manulactuters Association to help dealete sell ztoto lutnbet.
lYbat the National Lumber Manufacturers Association
can do for you .
DROGRESSIVE lumber dealers every- I where are using these merchandising aids to help them sell more lumber . encourage the use of lumber instead of substitutes . . buildprofits...
Profit by the advertising that is telling lumber users the advantages of identified lumber . urging them to order Tree Mark lumber frotn theit local dealer.
Read the list in the adjoining panel!Visualize how these services will help you! Fill out and mail the coupon today!
This Tree Mark 9uaran tees that tn" rurn*, )i carefully rnanufactured. "Arnetican Standard Lutnbet frott Arnetica's Best MiIIs."
National Manufacturers
Assist local authorities in preparing or revising building codes . . . supply you with attractive booklets at half actual cost ... help you to secure practical working plans and coostruction details for homes, sheds, stores, filling stations, garages-anything made of wood, details of which are not readily available through regular plan services . . furnish mats to be run in your local paper. . . supply you with moothly folders which contain sales points on lumber . . give ad. visory service on large proiects...assist io conducting builders'schools.
( ) Pleare rend mc additional date about mcchendi3ing aids to lumbs dealqs.
( ) Fre Bokleq "Know The Lumber You Ucc."