2 minute read

Opportunities For Lumber Production In California

A letter from Willis I. Walber, President of the Red Rizter Lunfrer Co.

The new Great Northern-Western Pacific line connecting Oregon and California, now under active construction w']l open up several groups of California Pine, belonging to The Red River Lumber Company, which offer very favorable opportunities for the installation of several one- and two-band milling operations.

This line will be completed in the Fall of 1931, and we believe that now is the opportune time for preliminary arrangements to have these mills in operation by the time the line is completed.

While the present market conditions are unfavorable for immediate sales, we believe, from experience, that the lumber market goes in cycles and that we are now feeling the beginning of an improvement in conditions that will give us a satisfactory market by the time these new mills are in production.

Wood Piles Sound After Seventy Years' Service

Portland, Me., Oct. lO.-Borings recently made under an old stone pier bridge at Bath, Maine, erected seventy years ago, revealed the wood in such splendid condition that the Maine Central Railroad has selected wood piles for additional new supports. Bottled samples of borings were on exhibition in the office of the bridge engineer of the road, and it was judged that the species rvas Norway pine or white pine. A representative of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association found that the piling was subjected to severe usage during all these years, yet "rvas as sound as the day it was built." The present problem is to put in two additional bearing piers, and it rvas necessary to ascertain the condition of the piling under the old stone piers, as originally constructed.

We have in the past, both in Minnesota and California, sold logs and timber to other manufacturers where we had timber developed that we were not prepared to mill ourselves at the time.

We believe that a purchase of standing timber under contract for delivery of logs over a period of time will cnable the manufacturer to get an operation started with minimum initial investment, and enable him to manufacture high class California Pine Lumber at minimum cost.

'We are prepared to supply etectric curreat for power if the manufacturer does not care to put in his own Power Plant.

We will be glad to have anyone interested in such a development correspond with us at our San Francisco, California, Office, 307 Monadnock Building.

Citrus Belt Club Meet at "il Norconian Club

l7 I The Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo staged a stag frolic at the Norconian Club, near Corona, Celif., on Saturday, September 27. A golf tournament was held in the afternoon. Following the dinner, which was held at 6:30 p.m., there was a concatenation held and several Kittens *'ere initiated.


H. B. Hewes, president of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., is spending two weeks in Portland, Ore., on business connected with his Northwest lumber interests. He will return to San Francisco, about October fr, and, will spend a few days there before leaving for Chicago, on his way back to his horne in Jeanerette, La.

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