1 minute read
A Wonderful Boost For Wooden Chairs
In one of the big national consumer magazines The Sikes Company, of Philadelphia, who sign ttemselves "Chairmakers for 70 Years," have been running an advertis€ment for their own chairs that is one of ttte most beautiful and admirable boosts fc wood that we have ever seen in print -almost a pdem of wood beauty and usefulness. Onc of these ads reads as follows:
"\fi/ood imParts to any chair<ostly or inexpensive-a beauty that has been appreciated throughout the ages' Wood endures, not for years alone, but for centuries-and a Sikes chair will serve you as long as you wish to use it'
"The beauty of wood in chair construction can be imitated but not duplicated. The adaptability of wood as a working medium makes possible unlimited variety of design. ih" -"t-, friendly touch of wood, is an important comfort factor.
"Ask the nearest Sikes dealer to show you chairs of beautiful, enduring wood. Chairs that excel' in:
'Sikes chairs give intcrest and individuality to any oGcG' ' Grace ana disti;ction of design are instantly appcaliry. Further inslrction rcveals thc deph of color, bcaugr ud tone, found only in the natural figure and grain of h3 wood.
"Fine woods, cxccllcnt constnrctim fcatur:+ and tmanrpasscd workmanship grvc long lifc to dl Sihcc cbain. {any Sikcs chairs produced tbirtt and fotty yc.rs ago 8!c bcing used today. Good chairs ccrvc thcir purporc throryhout tte years.
'Sikes chairs are comfortable e.hairs-<ach linc curvcd to tt the contour of the body. SiLc. ch.in Gost no more than ' ordinary o6ce chairs."
The lumber industry should pasl reaolutionr of th.rls to The Sikes Company for such bcautiful tributce-