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S. F. Hoo Hoo to Give Tickets lT,umberman Elected President For ,'Big Game" J of ski Association
A pair of tickets for choice seats at the annual "!ig g3ln9" t Wendell T. Robie, assistant manager of the Auburn b";;"# 6"iii;;;;;nd Stanford or, No.'e-l"r 2s-fltt u" Lumber Co., Aublrn, was- elected president of the Califorsiven away ". "r, ",'t'"id;;;;ti?; "i irt" r"""treon of the nia Ski Association, -at lhe organization- qreeting of.t[g 3;;i.;;i.;H;, Fi;; ci;t i" u. tt.ta "t1ni-co-*et"i"t association called by the State chamber of Co,mmerce, held club. San Francisco,Ti"-t.??yl"uo".T@ 20, according to at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, october 7* "ti"o"""ement tf lim Fariey, president.of the club' President Farley also announces that a pair of tick-ets for th; ;;;;'Lilil u.s.c. and Stanford ori october 25 will be glven as an attendance prize at the-next meeting of the ;kB. 6- l" tt"ta at the Commercial Club, San Francisco' October 23.
All lumbermen are welcome to attend these luncheons' N;;-;;beis will attend as visitors, and will -parlicip-ate in the drawing for the tickets. All who attend the october i;;;h.il *itt- r" given an extra chance on the big game tickets.
Clarence WriEht
Clarence Wright, associated with his father, Ctrrhs Wright, in the management of the San Ansclmo Lumbcr Co., San Anselmo, passed away on Scptembcr 27.It is believed that the illness causing his death resultcd from injuries received in a football game some years ago.