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State Association Annual Nov.6-7-8
Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, chairman of the Arrangements Commlttee for the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Convention, to be held at the Hotel Huntington, Pasadena, on November 6, ? and 8, announces that the arrangements for the convention are practically completed.
The convention will open on Thursday, November, 6, with business sessions in the morning and afternoon' Adjoining the swimming pool located in the Japanese Gardens lon the*hotel groundsl fhere will be a barbecue luncheon on Thursday, ani during the luncheon there will be swimming and diving contests 6y girls furnished through the cou.rtesy .of the Pa"sadena Athieaic Club. Orchestra music will be furnished during the luncheon hour. On Thursda-y e-v91ing, there will -be an informal party at the hotel which will include dinner, bridge, etc.
Business sessions will be held during the morning and afternoon on Friday, November 7. The annual banquet and dance will take place on Friday evening. Saturday morning, November 8, will conclude the business sessions of the convention.
On Saturday afternoon, the tlniversity of California and the University of Southern California will play their annual football game at the Coliseum, Los Angeles, and many of the lumbermen attending the convention will take in this big college event. The Huntington will also be the headquarters for the University of California, and their alumni banquet rvill be held at the hotel on Friday evening preceding the game.
The Hotel Huntington located in the Oak Knoll district of PaSadena, and ten miles from Los Angeles, offers many entertainment features, including: swimming pool, tennis courts and golf courts-guest cards issued to five clubs with sporty, l&hole courses adjacent to the hotel. Among the sightseeing trips offered are: the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery to which Earl Johnson announces that he has 15O tickets; Mt. Lowe; Mt. Wilson; Carmelita Gardens; Ostrich-Lion-Fox Farms; and scenic drives about Pasadena and Los Angeles.
The Arrangements Committee for the convention includes: Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, Chairman; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; and A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co., Sawtelle. Walter Spicer, Santa Ana, is chairman of the Program Committee, and is being assisted by E- T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, Paul Hallingby and Earl Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stoner are arranging for the ladies' entertainment.
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