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l, Tlore than12,000 dealers back up .n", o"M garding Sisalkraft. What other building paper can be absoIutely guararrteed t9 grye permanent, air-tight, waterpr.oof rurery guaralrreeq rgr $ye au-trght, prgtection? What other building paper is sure to brimcontractors and builders back,fgr repeat orders as soon ai they put it to the tesr on one job?
Sisalkralt is rapidly becoming the standarrl material lor all kinds oI consrrucrion and lor athousanddifierent uses. Better come with us now and receive the maximum benefit of selling Sisalkraft qualiry.
Send your order and a list of your coutractors today. Let us get started on sales promotion worklor you to your customers.
66More than a building papere)