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Built-In Fixture Co. Advertising Exhibit Awarded First Pfize

Competins asainst exhibits from the entire Pacific Coast, in the west at the recent annual convention of the Pacific of the Built-In Fixture Com- Advertising Clubs Association, hcld this year at Spokane.

The trophy indicative of this award is a huge, silver loving cup aonlted by the Los Angelcs Soap Compeny' was ginted to the F. L. Tomaschke Advcrtising Agenc;r oI Oakland, and the award wis bascd not only upon the 1P pearance of the advertising and the quatity of the 99Py' b-ut upon the completeness of the campaigtr, as well as the method with which the intricate problems of the distributor and dealer were handled. Actual results obtained also formed a vital factor in the decision of the iudget;to grant first prize to the advertising of Peerless Buitt-In Fixtures.

Magazine advertising features the campaign Sunset Maga-ine used as the ideal meens of reaching the greatest percentage oI the possible merket on the Pecilic Coast. Newspaper tie-in advertising and direct mail'werc used to supplement the magazine space.

According to Frank E..Coq assistnnt sdes manager of the Built-In Fixture Compann thc advcrtising is continuing in Sunset Magazine this fall and next winter, and plans for a continuance advertising drive are now being formulated. Dealers throughout the Pacific Coast have fclt the oanv- Berkelev manufacturers of Peerless kitchen furniture, efiects of the advertising in steadily increasing interest in i""J "aj"agedthe finest advertising of household products and demand for Peerless Built-In Furniture.

lVendling-Nathan C.o. SAN FRANCXSiCO

Vholeralerr of Douglas Fir Redwood Catifornia White & Sugar Pine

If you havc ncvcr bed

ProtecG lrour Eurilml wttlr

Garh $n3lng frnd

Hgre's a bond islud eay enoune,fl,(XXl o ,2r0,' 000 b7 a conlrany with ovct tl621Xro,(XX).(X) of uctr. This bond participatcr in coprl/. curriDtt May bc putcharcd by &podt nr& unrrrlln ni' annually ot quartetly.

Bond maarrei lot fa.e vrluc upo ilcetf, of dcrig' nated erecutive.

Also maaucs in 20 yeen rnd pryr in cerh fece value plus &vidcn& cq.."i o 2O g ccat or rncc thra &1rcsits total.

Aftcr thrce ycan bond hu cerh orrcodct end lou valucr.

Iet us sell you a car. It can bc mixcd with any other ilemg of Old Growth Ycllow Fir worked uppers.

Main OEcc: A. L Hoover, A8g San Francisco Loo Angeles | | 0 Market St. Stan&rd Oil Bldg.

No obligation fot full infocnrtioAvailablc to burincl concetnt rt* of Roclt l\dqlatainr. A.



322Prr1fu, MEtErl Ina BldS' La ANdr

Phonc: TRfrirl gl - Hono PLnt ldrirrr nC

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