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"t:T$;tus; How Lumber Looks
The California lumbet situation does not show much change. Cument new business reported by these 225 mills was 12.6 fn the metropolitan districts it is teported that the demand has per cent over production and shipments wete 23.9 per cent picked up a little. Lath co,ntinues to be scarce and prices on over production.thisitemarestrongerrotherwisepricesremainaboutthesame.r, * * * * * * ,k * *
Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro on Octobei With production continuing on curtailed levels, lumber 7 totaled 5r972roD feet which is very low, and approximately a shipments for the week ended October 3 exceeded the cut by half million feet less than the previous week. Our last report 2l per cent and otders were 9 per cent above the cut, it is indishowed 62 vessels in the California trade laid up, and one ves- cated in reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Assosel, the Missoula, operating ofi shore; the previous week ciation from 806 leading hardwood and softwood mills. Proshowed 61 vessels laid up. For the week ended October 3, 9 duction for the week of these rnills amounted to l67r7E5gOO cargoes of Fir carrying 61598'000 feet, and one cargo of Red- feet. This marks the eighth consecutive week in which orders wood totaling 460r0fi) feet, were received at San Pedro.
A total of 345 mills reportirrg to the Vest Coast Lumber- have been above produ4ion.
The Southern Pine Association for rhe week ended October men's Association for the week ended October 3, operated 3 reported production from 115 mills as 24r3O3rOOO feet, shipet 31.5 per cent of capaci.ty, as compared to i4.l per cent of -ments 3lr542r000 feet, and new business 28r434rOOO f,ent. capacity for the previous week, and 45.5 per cent for the same \ Th. Westem Pine Association reported production from 83 week last year. For the first 39 weeks of 1931 these mills have mills as 2116561000 feet, shipmenb 22,944r@O feet, and new operated at 4o.3 per cent of capacity as compared to 57.2 pet business 20,968,fi)o feet' cent for th" ,.rr,. period of 1930.
The California mills of the Sfestern Pine Association reProduction, ora"r, .rrlrrrii-."., by 225 mills for the week ported production ftom 23 mills as l4'49E'000 feet' shipments ended october v, were reported to the Association in board 13t103t000 feet' and orders l2'712'ooo feet' feet as follows: Production, 82,874,8t5; orders, e3,ioi,o62; ,"":T#TlrIr":: TrHj,T#T:il"jif::'"Tti#f#ru; Shipments, 102,665rt36. and new business 18r448r0fi) feet.
Bill Chantland \(/ins McCormick Shevlin Pine Sales Co. Arrange
Tournament \ For 100-Car Shipment
Bill Chantlancl with a net score of 75 rvas the winner of \ff,. Shevlin Pine Sales Company are now arranging for the John Olson Cup at the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber a l0Gcar train shipment of Shevlin Pine from their Bend, Co. golf tournament held at the Westwood Country Club, Ot.:.-lnd-,YcCloud, Calif., plants to leave Bieber, Calif., Los Angeles, october 11. The tournaments are held -o.,ir"r- ovi'r,'l'r"HTtji}j::'l;;",),'"1:*'rl,tot;*, of Shevlin ly by the company's Los Angeles office force. John Olson, pine to go East, the first shipment consisting of a solid manager of the company's Southern California operations, trainload-of sixty cars made by the McCloud River Lumber has donated the trophy and to gain permanent possession Company going over the new Transcontinental service of of the cup it mttst be rvon twice. the Greit Northern Raihvay on September 15.