1 minute read
ft Pnys to Preverut ffiEFiresl
A 6re that might have been prevented is a double calamity. Eternal vigilance is the price of safety-and especially so with the fumes of gasolines and oils. You cannot be too careful when a spark from a motor, the scrarch of a match, or the flame from a cigarette may touch off an explosion to start a destructive fire and end in serious loss. Gasoline must be handled with gloves.
Lumber Mutual Insurance provides a threefold protection for the lumber industry-it gives expert counsel on handling gasolines and other hazards, to prevent 6res if possible; it pays losses faitly and ptomptly; and by substantial dividends it reduces insurance cost. Write any of our companies for spccific inf ormotion on our fire preaention serrice, on. Lumlter Mutual ltrotectiort both before and after Ioss, and, on the sa'tin,g efrected by Lnnrbcr LIututtl diddends.
7508 TOOLS RENTED Loc Angeler