6 minute read
Owing to the fact that the Third 1931 Tri-Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers. which was scheduled for October 23 and 24, at Klamath Falls. will conflict with the Pacific Logging Congress at Spokane, which many wooden box manufacturers wish to attend, A. H. Gordon, Pacific Coast Manager, announces it has been deemed advisable !g postpone the Association meeting until November 13 and 14.
The meeting will be held at the Willard Hotel, Klamath Falls, Oregon, and a very full program is anticipated, as there ar.e many subjects of geneial interest to the-industry to be discussed, and problems to be adjusted. A large a[tendance is expected, and they are looking forward to having a number of the Northwestern manufacturers present.
Shevlin Magazine Announces Change in Name
Coincident with the announcement of the Shevlin Pine Sales Company, the publishers announce a change in the name and policy of the Shevlin Equalizer. The Sook will henceforth be known as the Shevl-in Pine News and will include Carpenter-Hixon Company, Limited, Blind River, Ontario, and Shevlin-Clarke C-omiany, Limiied, Ft. Frances, Ontario, as well as the McCloud- and Bend mills. The n€w mag'azine_ will carry almost exclusively sales promo- tion material but will devote some space -to planf news items of outstanding interest. The Shevlin Pini News. ds a magazine will b_e published every other month beginning with November. On alternate months a small sales -promo-tion bulletin will be published. This will carry no pictures and only up-to-the-minute items of interest to salesmen and trade. The magazine will probably be increased in number of pages_an.d *il-l run pictur_es of Shevlin Pine jobs through- out the United States and Canada. Space will also be aviilable for pictures of customers and their plants.-shevlin Equalizer.
Building permits granted by the San Francisco Bureau of Building Inspection during the first nine months of 1931 totaled 5,065, with an estimated cost of $18,028,746, an in'crease of $1,200,000 over the same period of 1930, Permits for September, 1931, totaled $1,531282 as against $1,950,831 in September of 1930.
Los Angeles, Calif., October 3, 1931 Mr. H. W. Mcleod, Care Hammond Lumber Company, 2010 South Alameda Street, Los Angeles, California.
My dear Harry:
Permit me to say that your advertisement in the current number of The California Lumber Merchant is the best present day lumb,er advertisement I have se,en put out in this territory, and its psychological effect should be excellent.
Now, if you can get this same message over to the retail buyer, the architect, and the money lender; instilling in them, with informing propaganda, a desire for \he best; you will accomplish a result which will well repay you.
With best wishes from "a nut on the subject", I am
Very sincerely, cw-w
Curtis Williams
Above is a reproduction of the advertisement referred to by Mr. Williams, well known Southern California lumberman, in his letter and which appeared in the October first issue of "The California Lumber Merchant".
I-:ester G. Sterett, secretary of the Millwork Institute of California, recently spent a week in the San Francisco Bay district presenting complimentary copies of Architectural Frame Details to the architects. He attended the convention of the California State Association of Architects at Riverside, October 8, 9 and 10, and has now returned to work in the Northern California district.
Vh.." in lhis vorld could vou lind more pleasin*, unique, con/enienb and mod.ern thouf,hbs F6r a home [han ne have embodiEd inbo bhis special plan
Yes. the entrv is diFfer6nt, and lhe spacious livina'roo* connected rvi th dinin?, room arid berrace, provides an ideal Imangpment For entert ain\ng.
You rvilhvanb to build bhis home. rve knonr.
Plans for this attractive home can be furnished by the Lurnbermen's Service Association
(The Clcaring Houce)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: t2.50 fer eolurnn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale
Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, nern 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Position Wanted by an experienced retail lumberman capable of managing yard or acting as salesman or office work; also knows the hardware line and speaks some Spanish. Reference and bond can be furnished. Address Box C-406. California Lumber Merchant.
STATEI\IENT OF THE O\^TNERSHIP. }IANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION. ETC., REOUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, Of The California Lumber Merchant, published Semi.monthly at Los Angeles, California, for October 1, 1931. 'State ol California ) ci"i'ti-ot-li"-'iiigcles, 1""' Before me, a Notary Public ia and for the State aad county aforcsaid, _personally appeartd J. E, Martin, who, having been dulj sworn according to law, deposcs aad gays that he is thc Manasiar Editor of The California Ltrmber Merchant. and that the followinc- isi to the bcst of his kaowledgc and belief, i true statement of thE ownership, manageme-nt .(and if a daily paper, thc circulatioa), ctc., of thc aforc- said publication for thc date shown in the above caption. reouircd by-the Act.of August U, 1912, cmbodicd in section lll, Poital Laws and Regulations, printed on the revcrsc of this form, t6 wit: l. That thc nameg and addresses of the pubtisher.-cditor. mrngrinl c4i!or, 4nd businers manaScrs arc: Publirhcr-, J. C. Dionne, 318 Cen-tra-l Bldg., !4s Angclesl. Editgi,J. C. Dionne, 3i8-Central Bldg., Lor An- geles; Managing Edit_or, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Ini Angeles; Suslness ManagcrS, Nde.
- -2. Thzt the owncr ia: (If owned by a corporation, its name and addrcs-s- must be statod anil atso immidiatelv'thereuridir thc namii and addrerees of rtockholdcrr owning or holdiig onc Der ccnt or morc of total amount of Btock. If not oined bv a -coroorition- thc namcr and addrcsses of the individual owners mujt bc gii'in. If'or-nia bf a firm, company, or other unincorporated conccrn. itt nami a"d addriss. as w.ll as those of each individual member, must be given.)
The California Lumber Merchant (a corporation), 318'GnirCl Bldg., Los Angeles,
J. C. Dionne, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles.
.I. p. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., bs Ang-les.
An opportunity to buy lumber yard in good location. Business averages over $6000.00 a month, first class stock and planing mill. Stock and accounts receivable will inventory $25,000.00. Will handle Accounts Receivable. Will sell all of business or if I get the right man will retain an interest. Compelled to get out of active business on account of health. For full information address Box C-404, California Lumber Merchant.
Position As Buyer Wanted
Lumber buyer-years of experience in Washington and Oregon-knows the mills, grades, etc. Open for position anywhere. References. Address Box C-409, California Lumber Merchant.
Bookkeeping At Lowest Expense To You
Why not save yourself the Worry and Energy of doing your own Bookwork by having a thoroughly experienced Lumberman call in once or more each month and give you accurate information and keep your books in balancePosting, Financial Statements, etc., at a very nominal fee. Phone LAfayette 8241, or address Box C-412, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Salesman Wants Position
- -
A. -C, Merryman, 318 Central Bldg., Ins Angelcs,
T. P. Wier, Houston, Texas.
3. That the known bondholdcru, mortgagecs, and other secudty holders owning or holding I Dcr cent-or mor-eif t6tat imount "f Uona"'. mortga.ger, or other aecuritier are: (If therc are none. ro statc.) None.
4. That lhc.two para_graphs.nexl qlove, giving thc namci of thc ownc.rs, rtockholders, and _recurity hold-c-r!, if any, contaia not otrly .the. lilt of .ltockholdcrs and sccurit-y holders as they eppear upon th-e Doof,l_ ot, tnc compaty but elso, in cascs sherc thc ttockholdcr or 8ecurity holdcr arpear! upon -the lookr of qhe compeny a3 trurtec o_r rn_ any _otner nductary rclation, thc neme of the Derton or CorDora. tion lor whom auch trustee i! actiog, i! givcn; also-that the eaid two par.agrapha cootain statementr cmbr-Ccing-ef6airt's fuli knatlca;; i;d bctret ss to the circumstancca end conditiorig undcr whlch rtochholdcn and security -hol-dcrs who do not eppcer upon the bookr of the comoeni a! trusteea, hold ltock and securities in a capacity other than that-of i bola fidc ownerl and thi! afiiant has no reason to believc that anv other p-erlonr,associati-on, or corDoration has any intcrcst direct or indirect in the caid stock, bondr, or other securities than as so stated bv him.
5. That the averagc number of copicr of cach issuc of thir oublt- cation ,sold or distributed, through the mails or othcrvise. to- oaid subscribcrs during_the rix months preceding the date showa'gbovi ir (-l'his information is required from daily publicatioar oaly,) sworn ro and subscribecr berore me "t. {;,"e#*I6lT;o;nl,"i?5t* "ont" tsEALl rnrn^e, n. peur,sow.
(My commission expires Aug, f8, 1934.)
Wholesale selling connection wanted by salesman, age 30, with ten years' selling experience all Western lumber products. Familiar with both Northern and Southern California retail trade, and will accept position in either territory. Highest references. Forrest W. Wilson, 430 Adams St.. Oakland. Calif. Phone Glencourt 9862.
Capable Lumberman
Experienced manager of retail yard, age 32, wants position. Last three years managing for chain yard concern. Also interested in wholesale selling. Address Box C-4ld care California Lumber Merchant.
TlN fHn minds of mosthome owners and prospective home owners, oak flooring holds its own against any other flooring or floor covering. To them oak flooring is more than a good investment. In floors of oak they see real beauty, style that is always uP to date, warmth, color, life and the ease with which these qualities can be maintained.