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We Sell


Redwood Cedar Fir

Dougta! Fir Redwood Redwood

California Pine

Cdif. Sugar Pine

We manrfacture and rell-Split Redwood, Tier, Portr, . Shakes, Grape Stakes

112 Market Street - San Francirco Portland Oficc, Amcrican Bank Bldg.


Manafaclurers of

Dry Kilor Plrning Mill Bor and Moulding Factoricr

Daily Capecity 390,0fl1 Ft.


Klamath Falb Oregon

It Costs No Iiore

To haul lumber to your yard from our dock in Oakland than from any other lumber terminal in ihe S. F. Bay district.

It is our aim to catry a general assortment of stocL suitable to your purpose.

Our Motto; "Promise Less-Do More"

Vholesalers and Jobbers

Dennison Street Vharf - Oakland ANdover tO77-tO7E

"P.ul Bunyan Prosperity Special"

What promises to be the largest shipment of lumber products ever made at one.time is announced by The Red River Lumber Company of Westwood, Calfiornia, to mark the inauguration of traffic on the new 'Western PacificGreat Northern California line.

The Golden Spike will be driven at Bieber, California, early in November with Ceremonies attended by many of the most prominent figures in transportation, industry-and public life. This will open a new transcontinental link and' a new North-and-South line on the Pacific Coast. What far reaching effects this change in the traffic map will have on the industrial and agricultural development of the Pacific Coast can not be estimated at this time but it is expected that its stimulus will rank in .importance with that of the coming of the first railroad.

Beginning with the historic Hill-Harriman battle that caused a near panic on Wall Street thirty years ago, the fight of the Hill Lines for a terminus at San Francisco entered a new phase last year with the proposed connection with the Western Pacific. During the past fourteen months both lines have been extended to close the 250-mile gap, rushed to completion at record breaking speed of constfuctlon.

The "Paul Bunyan Prosperity Special" will leave Westwood as a feature of the inaugural program and run South to Keddie, California, where the cars for California points r'vill be taken out and the rest proceed in a solid train shipment, Eastward via Salt Lake, Denver, and Omaha, where it will split, part going North to Minnesota Transf,er and a part to Chicago and the East.

Dry Kilns Replaced in Record Time

The dry kilns of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Company, Dryad, Washington, were destroyed by fire on September ll at a loss of approximately $2O,000. A quantity of lumber was also destroyed. This plant was formerly the T eudinghaus Lumber Company, having been purchased by the Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Company last March.

The kilns have been replaced by one Moore's Reversible Cross Circulation kiln which was installed and ready for operation on September 29-just eighteen days after the fire. The new kiln is 22 feet wide by 1O4 feet long and has a daily drying capacity of more than 25,000 board feet of upper grade lumber, or the same capacity as two of their former kilns. Some common dimension will also be dried in the new kiln.

The new kiln is designed for progressive operation and is of the longitudinal shaft design. The longitudinal shaft design is particularly adapted to producing strictly transverse circulation through the stock loads enabling the operator to carry widely differing schedqles of temperature and relative humidity throughout the length of the kiln, a feature essential to progressive operation. The lumber is stacked flat edge-to-edge, permitting reduced stacking cost and increased holding and drying capacity in comparison with the old kilns which were destroyed.

All of the dry kiln equipment for this installation was f_urnished promptly from stock from the Moore Dry Kiln Company factory at North Portland, Oregon.

Change Of Office

H. Bruce Wiscomb announces the removal of his office from the Architects Bldg. to the Building Arts and Crafts Exhibit, 169 No. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles. Mr. Wiscomb is the California representative o,f the Harbor Ply- wood C,ompany, American Door and Manufacturing Company, and Knox & Toombs, In'c.

Pine Firms Advised to Continue Use of \7ords "Whit" Pin

The twenty-three rvestern lumber manufacturing concerns recently denied a rehearing by the Federal Trade Commission in the case in which they were ordered last June to stop the use of the phrase "white pine" in describing yellow pine lumber of the species Pinus Ponderosa. have been advised by their counsel that the findings and conclusions of the Commission in the case are not warranted by the record of the proceedings, and that the order is beyond the jurisdicti jurisdiction of the Commission. These firms rvere also advised by their counsel to write to the Federal Trade Commission before October 12, 1931, stating that it is their present purpose to continue the use of the crlrrent trade name for their product.

Chas. S. Dodge No* With, Hammond Lumber Co. /

Charles S. Dodge, formerly of E. J. Dodge Co., Redwood manufacturers, has ioined the sales staff of the Hammond Lumber Co., and ii covering the East Bay and Peninsula territory.


N. H. Huey, Phoenix, Ariz., lumberman spent a few days in Los Angeles around the first of the month attending to business matters and calling on the lurnber trade.

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