1 minute read


Age not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less This On" \flas Just an Incident

The doctor told him he was discharged, and handed him his bill ft was a very modest bill, considering that he had set and cared for a broken arm, a broken leg, a sprained ankle, sewed up his scalp, fixed up his nose, done some skin grafting, and fixed up a lot of miscellaneous bruises and bumps.

"Doc," said the patient, "you've been mighty good to me, and done a splendid job all the way through. Wouldn't


Edric E. Brown, of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from spending two weeks in Los Angeles in the interests of the by-products department of the company.

be surprised if you'd saved that left leg from what otherwise might have meant amputation. All that worries me is that I don't know when I'll be able to Pay you for all you've done."

"Why," asked the doctor, "didn't you tell me when you first came in that you had six hundred dollars in the bank?"

"Sure I have," replied the patient, "BUT I'M SAVING THAT FOR AN EMERGENCY.'


John A. McEvoy, sales manager of the box department of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, Bellingham, Wash., traveled by air from Seattle to Los Angeles on a recent business trip. He visited San Francisco on his way north.

Frank I. O'Connor

Frank O'Connor H

Shipowners Ass'n

for 10th Term

Frank J. O'Connor, of the Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco, was unanimously elected president of the Shipowners' Association of the Pacific for the tenth consecutive term, at the annual meeting of the association held in San Francisco, September 25.

The following directors were elected: R. W. Myer9, Hobbs, Wall & Co.; James Tyson, Charles Nelson Co.; S' M. Hauptman, McCormick Steamship Co.; L. C. Hammond, Hammond Lumber Co.; Otis R. Johnson, National Steamship Co.; L. C. Stewart, Sudden & Christenson; S. D. Freeman, S. S. Freeman & Co.; H. F. Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; W. R. Chamberlin, W. R. Chamberlin & Co.; John L. Reed, J. R. Hanify Co.; J. C. McCabe, A. F. Mahoney Co.


The Holmes Eureka Lumber Company announce the removal of their Los Angeles office to room 204, Union Insurance Bldg., from room 329.

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