1 minute read
Wendling-Nathan Company Take Plylock Wallboard Asency lor
Northern Calilornia
"Ihe Wendling-Nathan Company, of San Francisco, announce that they have taken the agency for Northern California for the Plylock Wallboard of the Portland .Manufacturing Company, of Portland, Oregon. This is a plywood wallboard of splendid reputation which they are selling either in straight or mixed cars with Fir lumber. Although they have been handling the product but a short time they report a very gratifying interest in the line among their retail trade in Northern California, and an excellent volume of sales.
Nefson-Hopk an /
Nels E. Nelsen, of the Hayward Mill& Lumber Co., Hayward, was married to Miss Harriet Hopkins, of Oakland, in Reno, October 5. The couple expected to motor to the East coast on their honeymoon.
Earl Carlson Injured In Automobile Accident
Earl Carlson, salesman for the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, 'was painfully injured when an intoxicated driver crashed into his car on the highway at midnight, October 7. The driver and his drunken companion were arrested. Earl is confined to bed at his home and is making satisfactory progress.