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L. P. Keith Appointed Sales Announce New Combination Promotion
Representative Screen and Sash Door
L. P. Keith, West Coast Lumbermen's Association field engineer, has left the employ of the Association to become Eastern sales promotion representative of the Puget Sound Associated Mills, Seattle, a cooperative selling 1nd merchandising company handling the East Coast sales of 24 Puget Sound sawmills, according to an announcement made by the Association. Mr. Keith took up his new work on October 1. He has had extensive experience in promoting use of West Coast woods on the Atlantic Seaboard, having carried on this work during the past 11 years. In I92IJ.
Mr. Keith joined the staff of the West Coast Forest Products Bureau, a trade extension organization supported by West Coast lumber interests. A few years later this organ- ization rvas merged with the West Coast Lumbermen's Association. In 7926 he became a field engineer for the West Coast Lumber Tracle Extension Bureau, which in 1928 was consolidated with the Association. a position he held until he took up his nerv rvork in Octobei.
Mr. Keith attended the Colorado School of Mines, and graduated from an engineering course at the University of lllinois. He then went into the office of a firm of architects and engineers in Chicago, and later worked in the engineering department of a steel company. Immediately prior to joining the staff of the West Coast Forest Products Bureau, he was serving as a field engineer for the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. During the World War he rvas a lieutenant of infantry and sa'w service rvith the America troops sent to Archangel, Russia. He has gained rvide acquaintance among retailers, rvholesalers, architects, engineers and industriai users of lumber in the Ntiddle West and on the East Coast. His efforts were devoted largely to promoting structural uses .of lumber, and he has collaborated in the preparation of a number of the Association's technical bulletins on West Coast woods.
Robert E. Seeley, manager of the Puget Sound Associatecl N{ills, stated that Mr. Keith u'ill rlevote his time to sales promotion work in the interest of this corporation's activities.
\ Frank Prince, Bend, Ore., editor of the Shevlin Pine News. formerly Shevlin Equalizer. was a San Francisco and Los Angeles visitor around the first of the month where he spent a few days at the sales offices of the McCloud River Lumber Co. and contacting the lumber trade.
6 *neeb saue you money
The Western Sash & Door Co., Los Angeles, wholesale distributors, has announced a new product, the Hollywoocl Combination Screen and Sash Door. The feature. bf th" new door are as follows: it can be used as a screen or storm door, summer or winter-an all-season door in one; rvire rolled in on outside of sash in metal frame: set in metal guides : cannot warp or swell; self-locking sash and a<1- justs to any position, and glass is easily cleined by removing sash. The new door ls made from clear Sufar pine, lfu inches thick.
George B. Bosworth, who has been connected with the sash and door industry in Southern California for many years, is president of the Western Sash and Door Co. His son, F. E. Bosworth, is secretarv of the companv.
Close Credit Checking Indicated
Ch-icago,- Oct. 1.-An increased volume of inquiries and a policy of closely scrutinizing credits is indicated in the increased number of requests for special reports received early in September by the "Blue Book", according to a re- port furnished by the National Lumber Mantifacturers Credit Corporation for the October issue of The Lumber Market. Requests received during the month exceeded thos.e of September a year ago by about 25 per cent.
The report, covering business problems gives l8 bankruptcies for September, 1931, as against 13-for the month a year ago and 12_ receiverships as against 5, indicating rather the culmination than the origin of business troublei during the month. Three extensions were reDortecl as against 4.a year ago; Z assignments against 2; i compro- mise settlement against 2; and 6 creditors' committees-ap- pointments against 5 for September. 1930
A very material increase in the number of claims placed for collection lvas noted. Collections rvere much moie difficult than a year ago.
Four L Board Of Directors To Meet At Portland
The 26th semi-annual m.eeting of the board of directors of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen will be held at Portland, Ore., on November 16.
Why the largert mills are inrtalling our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your require. ments for air cooled and brick lined refirse burrrersnew and ued boilers of all sizer and types.
Seattle, Warh.