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R"" ch 17 LUMBER PRosPEcTs in One Farmer
This Soles Promotion Bulletin will help you get your shore of the $5oo,ooo,ooo form lumber mqrket
EW lumber merchants realize th;e tremendous opportunity for lumber sales to farmers. The average farmer is a seventeen titnes better prospect than the average city home owner. Current farm construction requires over $500,000,000 worth of lumber annually-nearly one-third of our total lumber sales.
Yet farmers themselves don't realizehow vitally important good buildings are to their success. Overcrowded, badly ventilated, or draughty structures are as costlY to them as obsolete machinerY. A few degrees of temperature may mean, for example, tJ:e difference between dampness and drynessthe difference between healthY and unhealthy stock-the difference between profit and loss. educate the farmer to building needs, to discourage his experimentin g with unsatisfactory substitutes, and to help you sell more lumber, the National Lurnber Manufacturers Association has prepared an authoritative lumber sales manual dealing exclusivelywith increasing farm lumber sales and outlining many proven plans for farm lumber promotion.
This nera'booklet, "Farm Markets and Lumber Sales," is available to you gratis-in single copies, as is theold standard guide to farm construction t54pes, "The Use of Lumber on the Farm." Write today for your FREE copies of these bulletins.
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