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Roy Hills Thinks California Build Insulating Board Mill Outlook Wonderlul lor in Hawaiian lslands
Next Decade
Roy Hills, one of the owners of Wendling-Nathar-r Company, of San Francisco, famous in the wholesale lumber business in this state for both his ability and his unfailing optimism, is smiling and working his way through the present situation in great shape, and looking forward with positive enthusiasm to the great times that he sees coming to the lumber and building industry of this state in the next decade.
He believes that California is due for a great boom just as soon as this general business depression is over. He thinks conditions are better in California than in any other part of the country, and that prosperity will react faster here than elsewhere. Northern California, he says, is due for a splendid surge of building business, unfailing signs pointing in that direction. And Southern California will continue her rapid growth in population, demanding housing and shelter for the people that keep knocking at her doors, and he looks for a boom in Southern California to match that of. 1923. And all of this requires lumber and building materials in great quantities.
"I don't know when it will start" said Mr. Hills, "but I am convinced that the upward swing is on its way, and that at least five of the next ten years rvill be boom years all over California. I am placing my chips that way. The Wendling-Nathan Company, rvhich has been in business more than a generation, expects the biggest business tide of its history as soon as this depression ends".
Hawaiian Cane Products, Ltd., organized by leading sugar producers and other ,commercial interests in the Harvaiian Islands, is now constructing an insulating board mill at Hilo, and expects to have the plant in production about January l,1932. The plant will have an annual capacity of 1@,0@,00O square feet, and will manufacture a iigid fiber insulating board from bagasse, the tough fibers of the cane. Theo. H. Davies & Co., with headquarters in Honolulu and offices in San Francisco and New York are the United States sales agents.
W. L. Rawn, until recently associated with the Wheeler Osgood Co., Tacoma, and former manager of the American Export Door Co., is sales manager. Leo. C. Monahan is sales promotion manager.
R. E. Ford
R. E. Ford, vice president and sales manager of Cadrvallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles, died at Alhambra on October 2. Ile was forty-two years of age. Funeral services were held at Glendale on October 5.
Mr. Ford was born at Colusa, Calif. He was connected rvith Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., since 1919, and prior to that he was associated with Henry W. Peabody & Co.. San Francisco exporters. He was a member of Hoo Hoo. He is survived by his rvife, Daisie, and trvo children, Lois and Raymond Ford.