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JacklIonne, futt*t*
M. ADAMS Cimrlatlm Mugs
Shipping Truce Extended
San Francisco, October l4.-Shipowners late yesterday acceded to the demand of the Federal Maritime Commission that operations continue under the existing agreement until negotiations have been completed.
Pacific Coast maritime unions conditionally agreed to extension of the waterfront truce after the shipowners announced acceptance without reservation. The unions, through their negotiating committee, advised the Federal Maritime Commission they are willing to extend the truce from October 15 to October 26 "if. the Commission can assure the same will be fruitful."
In unconditionally accepting the truce extension prior to the unions' action, the employers advised the Commission they now consider "your Com,mission is assuming full responsibility for bringing about a permanent solution without the interruption of commefce."
Both the employers and the unions urged prompt action by the Commission in the dispute over new working agreements which threatened to tie up shipping at m-idnight, October 15.
Spokesman for each group expressed gratification at the decision of the Commission to send RCar-Admiral H. G. Hamlet, retired Coast Guard officer, to the Pacific Coast for an investigation.
On September 3O, the expiration date of the 1934 working agreements, the shipowners advised the Federal Maritime Commission they would accept the proposal for extending the agreements for fifteen days if the unions would agree to arbitrate before the Commission issues not settled directly in that period. Labor leaders, representing sailors, longshoremen, masters, mates and pilots, Lngineers] firemen and other sea workers, accepted the fifteen diys, truce ..with no strings attached."
During the fifteen-day negotiation period the employers and unions were deadlocked on many disputed points. The three principal issues-hiring hall control, six-hour day and worker{.discipline-still remained the'major stum-bling blocks. The unions indicated they would not agree to arbi"- tration on these issues and .peate negotiaiioni were at a standstill.
New Termite Resistant Grade Introduced By California Redwood Association
"Foundation Redwood," a ne.w official grade of Redwood designed to meet the need for a product highly resistant to decay and termite attack, was presented formally for the first time by the California Redwood Association in an exhibit at the Pacific Coast Building Officials' conference at San Francisco, October 5-7.
In brief, this new grade provides for lumber specially selected from the grade of No. 1 Heart Common, for high resistance to decay and termite attack.
The rules require that "Foundation Redwood" be graded under the supervision of official Association inspectors and grade-marked with the official mark of the Association.
In addition to the new grade of Redwood, the Association presented an interesting display of Structural Redwood, including the widely known model of the famous Dolan Creek Redwood bridge; samples of Redwood Anzac siding, beautiful interior paneling for offices and homes and various types of end-marking now in use among Redwood manufacturers.
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THERE is common sense in 4-square Lumber -logic that every rushed builder understands perfectly. Flere is lumber all rcady to useends squared and smoothed at,the mill-exact Iengths to reduce needless labor costs and avoidable waste. Tight, clean joints and full bearing for rigid construction are ptactically automatic becarrse the lumber is cut to precise dimensions.
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