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Our only recommendation ir trf' a car of SUGAR or PONDEROSA PINE from KyLurz, Cdif., or Lake- viar, Oregon.
Crocker Building - San Francireo
Southcrn California Rcprcrentativc
4ilE Chamber of Commerce BIdg. Lor Angelcr
Phonc PRorpcct g186
tiles o[ The
Philippine Mahogany - Philippine Hardwood
Los Angeles, Calif.
Years Ago Today
Californio Lumber Merchant, October 15, 1926
A meeting of retail yard owners and manag.ers in the San Joaquin Valley was held at the Hotel, Californian, Fres_ no, Saturday, October 9. In the evening there was a ban_ quet and dance.
There is an illustrated article on The Red River Lumber Company operations *
Calif., in this issue.
An automatic stop and carriage protector device has been invented by George F. Schnell of the California Door Cg. The device is designed to protect the carriage head blocks from the impact of heavy logs when they are rolled on the carriage from the logway.
Over two hundred employees, and their families, attended the annual picnic held by E. J. Stanton & Son, at Brookside Park, Pasad."r; ,n*" latter part of September.
This number carries a photograph and write-up on the Laguna Beach Lumber Co., Inc.,'at Laguna Beach. This yard is owned and operated by Joseph R. Jahraus.
A photograph shows Fred Holmes, Lloyd Harris, Bill Hamilton, Harvey fsenhower, and Al euarnheim. The picture was taken at the company's plant at Eureka where the sales force had a conference with some of their mill representatives.
The yard managers .i; Jt..tt'g Lumber Co. held their fourth annual conference at San Francisco. F. G.
Duttle, president of the company, presided. The annual banquet was held in the evening in the Redvi,ood Lodge Room at Marquard's, after which they attended the Orpheum. A photograph shows the group at the banquet table.
The employees of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. and McCormick Steamship Company presented a musical comedy, "Bag'n Baggage," at San Francisco, Monday evening, September 27. The cast was made up entirely of employees of the company's San Francisco and Oakland offices. A photograph of the cast is shown. t(
This issue carries an interesting artcile on the lumber 'career of Russell Gheen of Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company.
An illustrated write-up on the lumber and logging operations of the Little River Redwood Company at Crannell, Calif., is in this issue.
The Glenwood Lumber Co., San Jose, has remodeled its lumber offi,ce and the interior is very attractively arranged.
Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Mildred Allen of Sacramento, and George Harold Swift of Oakland. Mr. Swift is manager of the Swift Lumber Co. yard at Oakland.
"Paul Bunyan's" Fuel P',le
A new mountain is rising at Westwood, California, rivaling the surrounding Sierra in the view of visitors to the plant of The Red River Lumber Company. It is the winter supply of boiler fuel, 13O,OO0 ,cubi,c yards, appr'oaching 2@ feet in height and with another 3O days to grow.
The ground fuel is delivered by a conveyor from the saw mill hogs and by an underground pneumatic tube a quarter of a mile long from the plywood factory. The waste from planers, stickers and sanders throughout the various departments and factories is concentrated through overhead tubes.