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Our well assorted stocks, our well known dealer policy and our centrd location guarantee the kind of SERVICE you demand.

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Mr. Bryan, who was accompanied by Mrs. Bryan, traveled north by way of Klamath Falls, and back by the Oregon Coast and Redwood Highways. Among other places, calls were made at Portland, Grays Harbor, Tacoma and Seattle, and a few days were spent at Vancouver, B. C.


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from MnlrvE to NOVEMBER

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(XHERX is no question but that Ll during the coming weeks, everv business mao and investor will'find it imoerative to keeo both feet on th6 qround and a-n ear to the wind. f,{anv situations ere likelv to arise w6ich the iovestor m'ay find diftcutt to inter. prct to ddtant4g,c, ur moo|(tilRr GutDtYour


BROOKMIRX'S staff of specialists are trained to separate the wheat from the chaff. Br6okmire Bulletins are interpretive and conclusive. Each weiK The DROOKMIRE fnvestment Policy is stated, and specific recomrnendations made.

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