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California Building Permits for September
Los Angeles .... fi7,I6,W
Los Angeles county unincorporated area
*West Los Angeles ..
San Fran'cisco
*San Fernando Valley Annex
*Hollywood San
So Great a Growth
I told a little tale I'd heard To Simon's sister Prue; She whispered in a neighbor's ear, As I had feared she'd do.
The neighbor .donned her new fur coat And went to make a call; She called on every soul she knew Ere night began to fall.
That story swept our quiet streetIt entered every door, And as it passed from tongue to tongue, It grew from more to more.
At length it fairly burst its bounds And spread across the town. And there on crowded thoroughfares, It hurried up and down.
It livened many a game of bridge, It warmed pale, listless tea, It climbed a bit and teased the ears Of aristocracy.
Men told it at their luncheon clubsOh yes, they gossiped too; Men like a spicy nanative As well as I and you.
Some told it with a knowing wink, Some with a cruel sneer, Some simply shrugged and let it Pass, Some hailed it with a jeer.
I marveled it could grow so great
From such a small beginning, And carry in its evil wake
So much of human sinning.
It smirched fair names and wrecked a home, 'It caused no end of trouble, And then it proved to be untrue
And burst just like a bubble.
Of course there was a libel suitI quietly left town;
But some one got a warrant qut And chased me up and down.
The story died, but scars remain To vex us here and there;
I'll never start a thing like that Again-I wouldn't. dare !
A. Merriam Conner.
James L. Hall, California sales agent for Smith WoodProducts, Inc., Coquille, Ore., manufacturers of Port Orford Cedar, reports that this company's plant suffered no interruption by r'eason of the forest fires which recently burned a considerable area in Southr,vest Oregon. Business, he says, is as usual, and the plant is very busy.
New Telephone
Long-Bell Lumber Company, Los Angeles, announces their new telephone number is PRospect 1085.
Kennetfi J. Shipp . A. D. Villioarn
Chrir. M. Vining?f, Manager and Sole Owner
Telephonc Glencoutt 829t
The Reo,l Successor to the Sosh Weight GAARANTEBD
TIIE AGTIE SPRI]IG SASH BALA]ICE CO. 1019 E. l6th St. Los lngeles, Califomia