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THE FI REPR,OOF WATLBOAR,D With This Aggressive Campaign
I Home owtrera and prospective home owoerr l&roughout the countly are readiug about the uuique advantages oI Wood Grained Sheetrock-its rich beauty, its lire protection, and its ecotromy. Beautifully designed lull page advertisements in The Saturday Evening Post; millious ol conpelliug meaaagea in other popular nagazineg are creating additional denand for Sheetrock. There is etill time lor you to " cagh ia " oa plenty of lall Sheetrock businegg. Mail coupon today for a largre s'-ple oI Wood Graiued Sheetrock. Plan to io- U.rS clude a stock in your aert car of Gypsum products. ft
The Human Mind
The most important things happen in our minds, and the problem of life is to control the mind and its workings ! If you run, trouble will follow, but defy trouble and trouble will run from you.
Cultivate your mind, develop initiative, personality and experience. The power to do is within your mind. Make your contacts resulting in influence, take the "breaks" and remember the story of the successful business man who when accused of being lucky, replied, "Yes, I am lucky, and you know I've noticed that the harder I work the luckier I seem to get."
Mind controls fear, anger, hate, sorrow, joy, happiness and failure, or success. School yourself to meet fear by doing what you are afraid to do. Discard anger, hate and failure from your make-up. Meet the problems of life with a smile; work hard mentally and physically.
Seagoing: "May I have the last dance with you?"
Girl: "Big boy, you just had it."
Major Operatton
"Why did you tear the back part out of that new book?" asked the long suffering wife of the absent-minded doctor. "Excuse me, dearr" said the famous surgeon, "the part you speak of was labeled 'APPENDIX', and I took it out without thinking."
Bartle (to little boy sitting behind him in a movie): "Can't you see, little fellow?"
Little Fellow: "Not a thing."
Bartle: "Then keep your eye on me and laugh when I do."
Judging Ourselves
It is a human failing to judge the inhabitants of a country by one of its natives whom we know. All the people of that country, in our minds, have the characteristics of that person-both desirable and undesirable. That being the case, what do you suppose a person from another country would think of the people of our country, if he judged them all by me?
Wedding Guest: "This is your fourth daughter to get married, isn't it?"
MacTight: "Ay", and our confetti's gettin' awful gritty." -Clipt.
Sad Mistake
Disagreeable old gentleman: "And this, I suppose, is one of those hideous caricatures you call 'modern art'?"
Art Dealer: "No, sir. That's just a mirror."
By Charles Coke Woods
Fly wide in the winds, our banner of light, With your red and your blue and your unstained white; Your bright brave stars have scattered our nightO radiant fla.g, fly wide in the winds t
O God of our faith, let our fag fly for Thee, For the friendship of men, and for sweet liberty; Let our love of the right from the wrong keep us freeBy service for all make us servants of God.
Don't be ashamed of your job or the size of your business; be proud and earnest and people will respect you.
Hardwood Ass'n Holdr 39th Annuai
The thirty-ninth annual convention of the National Hardwood Lumber Association was held in New York on September 17-18. Offi,cers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: president, Wilson H. Lear, Philadelphia; firstvice-president, J. J. Linehan, Cincinnati; second vice-president, Gordon Reynolds, Albany, Ga.; third vice-president, E. B. Maxwell, Montreal, Canada. John W. McClure was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
Heavy Loss Of Dry Lumber
Fire, whrch may have been of incendiary origin, destroyed between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 feet of dry Ponderosa and Sugar Pine lumber, with an estimated loss of between $125,00O and $150,000, in the yard of the Swayne L,'umber Company, ,Oroville, October 1.
No damage was done to the plant, which resumed operation October 3, after only a one-day shutdown.
Back From Northwest Tour
B. E. Bryan, general manager, Strable Hardwood Oakland, has returned from a three weeks' business pleasure trip to the Northwest.