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br 20 years---Some less Ag" His P.ppy Really \(/as the Stuff

George Tucker writes about a friend of his who discovered the champion log splitter this summer in the mountains of West Virginia.

It seems this friend asked a certain mountaineer if he could be hired to cut up some biack oak logs for him, and the native replied that he could.

"f kin cut oak logs," said he, "better'n any dingbusted feller in these hills cept'n my ole pappy. Ole Pappy was

Looks Over Eastern Market

Carl Hornibrook, sales manager, Ewauna Box Company, Klamath Iialls, Ore., was a Los Angeles visitor the first of the month where he spent a few days before leaving for the East to spend a week looking over market conditions in the Chicago territory.

Altho this wood is not widely advertised INDUSTRIALS

All Over the World Pay Heavy Freight Costs to get

Port Orford Oedar

the champ round here. He cut five cords a day an' never got wearied but once. Ole Pappy he was cuttin' away one mawnin' an' he suddenly put his hand on the small of his back an' grunted. 'No figgerin' it out, Ramie,' he said. 'Only my third cord an' I'm plumb tuckered out.'"

"'No wonder yore back's 'broke, you ole f6ol,' I told him. 'You sunk yore ax head in that big log a hour ago, an' broke it off, an' you bin cuttin' the last two cords with the handle.'"

Calling On Mills

Stuart C. Smith, Kelly-Smith Co., Los Angeles, has motored to the Northwest where he is calling on the Oregon and Washington mills. On his way North and on the return trip, he will visit the California mills. He will return to Los Angeles around the middle of tl-re month.


Factoty Floors, Mine and Tunnel Timbers, Irrigation !7ork, Shipbuilding, '$(/harf Construction, Chemical Tanks, Exposed Walks, Floors and Seats on Tops of Buildings' rcing Platfouns se of its Acid, fmpact, \tr7arp and Rot Resistance

Technical and particular wood users, you will find, are much interested in it.

Smith Wood-Products, Inc.

Largest Producers Band Sawn Port Orford Cedar Also Mfgs. of Douglas Fir coQUrLLE, OREGON

Sales Agents

Telephone THornwall 3144 Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine

IOBBERS, DEATERS! Get the facts about this nw and modern tnaterial for walls and ceilings

Builders who hove seen ART-PLY ore very enthusiostic cbout it' ART-PLY solves thot lost obiection to plywood ' does owoy with bottens. ART-PLY is "sell-ioining" uses its own potterns to cover joints flush with surfqce. ART-PLY is mqde lrom 3-p1y, duroble Douglos Fir oll wood . ond brings cr new mode lo better types oi homes.

ART-PLY is being mqrketed ot estqblished resole prices. it is o specioity item ond not price competitive omong deolers. It sells ci sight qnd returns cr prolit. Ask your iobber or write us direct lor inlormotion.

Made In Four Standard Patterns

f,itchen linished in trRT-PLY, ART-PLY Eqrdoa Plank (No' BP-10) wcs used lor wclla; ond Square Tile (No. T-,10) wcs used lor ceiling. The liuish is light rose encmel tiating with deep rose nouldings. ART-PLY is beiag ueed i! noden liviag roons, dinireg roons, librc' riee, dens, broalCcst rooro, cad bctbroons.


Voncouver Plywood & Veneer Co. Vcrncouver, Wqsh., U.S.A.

Gentlemen: trRT-PLY Rondom f,nT-PLY Staadcrd Ptank (RP-10) Plcnk (SP - 20) {x8 It. poels. tlx8 lt. pcnels

ART-PLY Rectqn- ART-PLY fuucre gular Tile (RT-30) Tile (T-{0) {xB lt. poels 4:<8 It. poels

Pleose send more informotion qbout ART-PLY, the inloid plywood.

NAME 0t|vtn Plwo0u & lJtilttn C0.


Exhibits at Annual Meeting of Building Visitors Vote Calilornia Cottage Favorite Officials Conference House at Exhibit

The 14th annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference was held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, October 5 to 8.

Among the exhibitors were the following: California Redwood Association, Angier Corporation, American Lumber & Treating Co., Buckle Proof Lath Co., Calaveras Cement Co., Timber Engineering Co. of California, and Owens-Illinois Pacific Coast Co.

Bill Dunning Calls On Mills

W. D. Dunning, Los Angeles lumberman, recently visited several sawmills in Northern California and Southern Oregon, with L. J. Carr of L. J. Carr & Co., San Francisco.

Harbor Lumbermen Visit California

Peter Schafer, president of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano, Wash., has returned from a two weeks' visit to the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the company.

Albert Schafer, vice president, recently spent a week in San Francisco.

Popular vote has selected the California cottage as the favorite of the six houses included in the California House and Garden Exhibition, 5900 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, it was announced October 7,by Miss M. L. Schmidt, managing director of the display.

Visitors to the exhibition have cast their vote for their favorite house and the final count shows the California cottage with 10,375 votes, the English cottage 7,158, New Orleans house 5,882, Moderne structure 5,174, the French house 4,792, the Economy cottage 2,805.

Designed as a permanent institution to stimulate public interest in better homes and gardens, the exhibition has inaugurated its policy of periodic rebuilding. The first house was removed from the exhibit grounds last week and construction on the house to replace it is expected to start immediately.

The architects whose work is represented in the display include Winchton .L. Risley, Arthur Kelly and Joe Estep, John Byers and Edla Muir, Richard J. Neutra, Paul R. Williams, Allen G. Siple, and Gordon B. Kaufmann.

On Southwest Trip

E. E. Abrahamson, Ifammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, left Octobet, 12 on a 3o-day business trip over Texas and Louisiana. He will cover the territory with Allard Kaufmann, who is in charge of the company's New Orleans office.

C. D. Johnson lumber Corporation PORTLAND, OREGON

Solt Otd Growth Teltow Douglac Flr and Sttka Spruce

Mills-Toledo, Oregon. Capacity 47 M pet hour, largest in Oregon, of combined kiln-dried and green lumber. Over 50 years' supply virgin timber.

Cargo and Rail Shipments-Veekly sailings to California ports-Packaged lumber, stowed even lengths and widths

-Shipments made as promiced.


California lumberrnen especially are inaited to ztis'it our operations in Toledo and our offices in Portland wlten motoring North this summer ztia the Redwood Highway. Toledo is just off the Coast Highway at Nczufort, Orelon, and, i.n direct route to Portland. In Toledo, g7o to nti,ll office and ask for Dean lohnson or Bob Ricltardson.

Branch Sales Offices

San Francirco

,1. B. Grismld, M3r. Nwball Bldg. 2t0 Callfmh St. Phanc GArficld luSt

Lor Angeler R. T. Ghen, Mgr. A. J. Hcthrinato Pet. Se. BLlg. Phouc PRcpcct ff|l

Describes Laminex Streamliner Door

A neu' door for interior use by Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporation is described by Ralph Brindley, vice-president in charge of operations, of that company, as providing exceptional advantages in light rveight, economy and attra'ctive, modern appearance.

The Laminex Streamliner is manufactured with plain surfaces of 3-ply Douglas Fir, or Philippine Mahogany. The rigidly braced hollor,v core provides strength with light weight, and has a series of channels, screened at exterior openings, allowing thorough cir,culation of zrir for resistence to warping effects of moisture and temperature changes.

Laminex 'cement is used in the Streamliner door to provide a permanent, moisture-resistant bond. Mr. Brindley stated that the Streamliner is a Laminex lO-Point p661with engineered design, backed by the full Laminex gttarantee, and offering ten different points of advantage. 'Ihese ten points are said to insure beauty of appearance, troubleproof service, and maximum value.

The plain surface of the Streamliner door offers wide possibilities in decorative effects. The surface of the Streamliner can be painted or stained. Virtually any arrangement of panel effects can be obtained, or routed ancl inlaid designs are easily provided. Painted decorations in modern or period designs can be applied.

"Companion" to the Streamliner door, Mr. Brindley stated, is the Streamliner cupboard door. The cupboard door, built on the hollow-core principle also offers particular advantages in modern appearance, rigidity, light weight and economy. Literature describing these new Laminex doors is just off the press.

Transferred to S. F. Office

Frank H. White, formerly mill sales manager at Samoa, has been transferred to the Hammond Redwood Company's San Francisco office.

Mr. White returned September 20 from a seven weeks' trip in the course of which he visited the company's New York and Chicago offices, and their sales connections in 20 States.

Lumbermen's Post Installs Olficert

At the last meeting of Lumbermen's Post No. 403. American Legion, held at the Army and Navy Club, Los Angeles, the following officers were installed: Commander, Lloyd Milne, Macco Lumber Co.; First Vice Commander, Milton Taenzer, American Hardwood Co.; Second Vice Commander, Ed Biggs, IJnion Lumber Company; Adjutant, V. Bowles, California Portland Cement Co.; Finance Officer, A. Foster, California Portland Cement Co.; Historian, A. Alberteri, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.; Sergeant-at-Arms, P. W. Chantland, Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.; Chaplain, A. Morrison, Lumber and Allied Products Institute.

The regular meeting of Lumbermen's Post is held at 6:30 p.m., the second Tuesday in every month, and all lumbermen are invited to attend. Interesting programs are being arranged to entertain the members and guests.

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