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California Dealers Will Hold Annual at Del Monte

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The California Retail Lumbermen's Association will hold their annual convention at Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, California, Thursday and Friday, October 22 and 23. H. A. Lake, president of the Association; J. O. Handley, general chairman of the convention committee, and the several committees have arranged an excellent program of business and entertainment features. George W. LaPointe, Jr., Menomonie, Wlsconsin, president of the National Lumber Dealers Association, will be the guest of the Association and will address the meeting. The program appears elsewhere in this issue. Special attention has been given to the ladies attending the convention. Thursday evening there will be a bridge game, and Friday afternoon a tour will be made of the beautiful Monterey Peninsula. For those wishing to swim, play golf or tennis, the Hotel Del Monte offers excellent facilities. The annual banquet, dinner dance and entertainment will be held Friday evening. Mrs. George Good

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