3 minute read
B. V, Lakin
He married Miss Falls, Minnesota, were no children.
B. W. Lakin, a lumberman whose ability was nationally recognized, and who was general manager for the past 11 years of the McCloud River Lumber Company, McCloud, Calif., died in the line of duty in a forest fire, October 2, that for a time threatened the resrdential section of McCloud. It is believed that he lvas trapped by a spot fire he was attempting to extinguish some hours after the main fire was controlled.
Mr. Lakin was born in Royalton, Minnesota, on January l+, 1880. Eleanor F'rances Schleusener of Little in Spokane, Washington, in 1906. There s3Ghronated
Mr. Lakin entered the employ of the Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Co. interests in 1901, filling various posrtions until 1905 when he was put in.charge of timber purchases in the Bend, Oregon, district, which later became the ShevlinHixon operations. In I9O7 he was transferred to Bemidji, Minnesota, in charge of logging for the Crookston Lumber Co., also a Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke operation. In 1922 he went to Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, as general manager of the Shevlin Clarke company.
After the death of Frank Lambert, manager of the McCloud company, in 1925, he was transferred to McCloud as general manager of The McCloud River Lumber Company.
Now Treated and Stocked at Our Long Beach Plant for Immediate Delivery to Lumber Dealerg a
Buy "BAXCO" fot Service Plupt sbipEentr fm or rtock. Exchange enic€lcalEr'3 untreated lmbr fq or Chmted Zbc Chloride stock plus chugc fa trctt[t. Trcating daale/r ryn lumbcrnill rhipments to u dck c truck lotr frm deale/s yard.
Exclurive Saler Agent in California for WEST GOAST WOOD PNESENYING CO. Seattlg Vash.
6ol Ve* 5th St. LOS ANGBLES Phone Mlchigan 6294
333 Montgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO
He was a strong supporter of association work and was elected president of the California White and Sugar Pine Association, later being chosen the first president of the Western Pine. Association when the two organizations were consolidated.
When the government established NRA he was chosen a member of the national code authority and spent much of his time in this work to the mutual good of all the industry.
In 1934 he served as vice president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Funeral services were held in McCloud, Sunday, October 4. Interment was at Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland.
He was a member of the Bohemian Club, San Francisco.
He is survived by his widow, two sisters, Mrs. Henry Christie, Royalton, Minn.; Miss E,lla Lakin, East Orange, N. J., and three brothers, Hugh, Bend, Ore.; Lee, Pupasky, Minn., and George, Royalton, Minn.
Ralph Myers Heads Shipowners' Ass'n
Ralph W. Myers of Hobbs Wall & Co., San Francisco, was recently elected president of the Shipowners Association of the Pacific Coast. S. D. Freeman, S. S. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, was elected vice-president.
Mr. Myers succeeds Frank J. O'Connor of the Donovan Lumber Co., San Francisco, who has served the organization as its president for the past 15 years.
Fir Porch Columns Paper \(/rapped
Iiach column of the line of stock Fir porch columns handled by The California Door Company, Los Angeles, and advertised in this issue, is wrapped in heavy paper, in order that it may reach the job in the same condition in which it leaves the factory.
A feature of these columns is the special joint. Sizes carried in stock run from 6"x6"--3 to I2"xl2"-10.
Porch columns are now greatly in demand on account of the type of architecture being used, according to Glenn Fogleman, manager of the Los Angeles branch of the company.
It is interesting to note that The California Door Company has been in business since 1852.
Hammond Condenses Name
Efiective October 1, the name of the Hammond and Little River Redwood Company, Ltd., was condensed to that of the Hammond Redwood Company. All production of the company is concentrated in Humboldt County, California, with sales offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Kansas City, Chicago and New Orleans.
The firm has operated under the combination name since the merger in 1931 of the Hammoud Lumber Company redwood interests and the Little River Redwood Company.
The change in name has no other significance than simplification of a lengthy title. The same stock interests and management are represented.
C. E. Colburn Gives Talk at School Orange County Lumbermen's Club
E. Colburn, IJnion
Supply Company, Monterey, was asked recently to talk to an eighth grade class on the subject of lumber, and found the experience very interesting.
The children, he says, were eager to hear how lumber is manufactured and sold, what grades are used for various purposes, and why one species is better than another for certain uses, and what was to have been a 2O-minute talk lengthened out to about an hour.
Mr. Coburn thinks that such talks by lumber dealers in their communities would prove to be valuable trade promotion.
One result of his talk was a visit by the entire class to the yard and mill of the Union Supply Company.
Annual Golf Tournament
The Orange County Lumbermen's Club will hold its annual golf tournament at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, Thursday afternoon, October 29. A11 lumbermen are invited to attend. The Club will hold its annual meeting in the evening.
Visits Northwest Mills
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned October 2 lrom a 10-day business trip to Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. Mrs. Russell accompanied him on the trip.