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Moore Dty Kilns Installed in Record Time

What is believed to be a record in kiln installation work was recently accomplished by the International Cedar Division of the Evans Products Company at their Marshfield, Oregon plant. A new unit of four Moore Reversible CrossCirculation Kilns, each 12 feet wide by 104 feet long were built and installed in 30 days after start of the kiln building construction work.

employ channel iron roof trusses and arched roof design. The fan system, which consists of thirteen special 5('heavy duty dry kiln disc fans for each kiln, is installed overhead above the kiln loads of lumber, and is operated by a single 30 H.P. slow accelerating type motor. As is standard practice, the fans are mounted on a longitudinal shaft extending the length of the kiln.

With the installation of this latest kiln addition, the International Cedar Division are now operating 25 Moore Reversible Cross-Circulation Kilns at their Marshfield plant alone.

This company is the world's largest manufacturer of battery separators and dry their stock exclusively in Moore Cross-Circulation Kilns. However, this latest installation will be employed chiefly for the drying of Venetian blind stock manufactured from their Port Orford cedar lumber' In manufacturing Venetian blinds it is very necessary that the lumber be carefully kiln dried to a final moisture content of from 5 to 6% on high humidity schedules so that it can be resawn satisfactorilY.

The new kilns are of wood construction throughout and

In constructing these dry kiln buildings, the 2x6" laminated walls and roof were painted rvith Cribtite as they were laid on. Roofing cement was used for bonding the roofing paper to the roof. These paint products were furnished by the Paint Department of Moore Dry Kiln Company.

The drying conditions of temperature and humidity are scientifically controlled at each end and throughout the length of the kilns by means of special Moore-kiln temperature and humidity recorder controllers. With this scientific lumber seasoning, Port Orford cedar machines with a high polish and is not very susceptible to cupping and warping, rvhich characteristics make Port Orford cedar the most desirable wood for the manufacture of Venetian blind slats.

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