6 minute read
California Building Permits Jor September
Opens New Dock at Long Beach
John E. Marshall, Inc., lumber handlers, opened their nen' dock at Pier B, Outer Harbor, Long Beach, September 28. The first vessel handled at the new dock rvas the S. S. Anna Schafer, carrying 1,80O,00O feet of lumber.
The company llow operates three docks, Pier A and Pier B, at Long Beach and Berth 228 at Terminal Island. With the opening of their nerv dock, Mr. Marshall says they will be able to give their customers more efficient service.
Mr. Marshall has been specializing in handling lumber at the Harbor since 1914 when he rvent to work for the Outer Dock & Wharf Co. as general manager. He remained rvith them until 1924 u'hen he engagecl in business for himself
Sampson Screens Are Strongest
Your Jobber Can Supply You
Ironing Boards
745 S. Raymond Ave. - PASADENA - Blanchard 79114
illll(lll$(lll and
f18 Vest 9th St. - Los Angeles
Manufacturers' Agents
LUMBER PRODUCTS at Berth 228, Terminal Island. Berth 228 still does the usual volume of business in addition to what is handled at the Long Beach docks.
J. O. (Joe) Means, rvho is well known in Southern California lumber circles, and former Los Angeles wholesale lumberman, is the company's Los Angeles representative. Joe makes his headquarters at 328 Petroleum Securities Building.
Mr. Marshall has surrounded himself rvith a fine staff of loyal employees. some having been rvith him since he started in business, who round out a fine organization.
His son, J. E. Nlarshall, lr., is vice-president. Sam Cappelle is general manager; Virginia Ricketts, secretary and bookkeeper, and Adaline Sibson and Mae Garner are members of the office staff. Jack Burns is yard superintendent; Charles McGuire, assistant yard superintendent; Bill Haworth, head crane operator, and Dan Berry, crane man, at the Long Beach docks.
At Berth 228, Terminal Island, Jimmie Thomas is yard superintendent, and Jack Pollack is head crane man.
The accompanying photograph is a shipment of shingles and lumber that recently moved out of the John E. Marshall, Inc., dock at Long Beach, showing the efficient manner in which their deliveries are made. The well known trucking firm, McCarty Truck Companl'. handled this shipment.
Change In Telephone Number
After the San Francisco fire in 1906, the Santa Fe Lumber Company's telephone number was knorvn as "Temporary" N74 and a few months later was changed to KEarny 2O74. A few weeks ago, the telephone company advised them they were changing the number to EXbrook n74.
BU(lY TRinity 4613
Douglas FirSpruceHemlockCedar ShinglesLath
H. P. BRADY LUMBER CO. of SeatdePortland eld
Oregon American Lbr. Corp. - Gwynne Lbt. Co.
Du Bois Lbr. Co. . Robt. Gray Shingle Co. -N OTE-GUA R ANT E E D S
DEERLESS EBailt:in h'rnitnng
fN cvety nodqtn kltcheo there will bc either Peerless Built-in Suraiture, or e ca4renter-built copy not neady ar good...and which brings you litdc pro6t oo the lumbcr.
In every lllodern Kitchen
O PEERLESS equipment gives your customers a much better iob at a teasonable cost. Peerless Built-ia Furniture briogs you added direct proits, and added prestige in your community.
Prnnr.uss BUrLT-rt rlxrunE Go.
For Qudity and Quantity call
Foreign and Dornestic Hardwoods, Douglas Fir, Sugar Pine, Sitka Spruce, Pondetosa Pine, Vestern Red Cedar Products.
Experienced competent lumber auditor-bookkeeper, will accept permanent or temporary assignments, rechecking, auditing, book-work, assist your bookkeeper in putting all accounts, both receivable and payable in proper shape. Tax period rapidly approaching.
Thoroughly familiar California yard practices, estimating, counter trade, etc. Address Box C-691, California Lumber Merchant.
Capital Wanted To Start Yard
Seasoned Southern California lumberman; bookkeeper; millman; knows paints, hardware and plumbing; reads and draws plans; can figure general contractor's costs. Has good tentative clientele of contractors in good co,untry territory. Tentative yard site at $90.00 per annum. Needs backing of about $10,000 for merchandise. Address Box C-692, California Lumber Merchant.
STATEMENT OF TIIE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIRCUI.A. TION, ETC,, REOUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24. 1912, AND MARCH 3. 1933. _ Of Thg Califcnia Lumber- Merchant, published Seini-monthly at Le Angeles, California. for October 1, 1937,-State of California I County of Los Aagelcs, I 83' - _Bcfore mc, a Notary Public in and lor tbc State and county afore. said, personally appured J. E. Martin, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of The California Lumber Merchant, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and bclicf, a true statement of the ownership, managcment (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24,191?, as amended by the Act of Marth 3, 1933, embodied in section 537' Postal Laws and Regulitions, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: r. i'hat the'names and addresses of the publisher, editor' managing cditoi. -and business managers are: Publisher, J' C. Dionne, 318 Central Blde..' Los Anccles; Editor. J. C' Dionne, 318 Central BIdg.' Los Ansele-si Manacin-c Editor. J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg.' Los Angeles; Eusiness Ma-nag1r, J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg.' Ils Angeles.
2. That the owner is: (If owncd by a corporetion' its name and address must be stated and also immediately thercunder the names and addresses of stockholders oming or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stck. ff not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated @ncem, its name and address, as'well as those of each individual member, must bc given.)
The Caliiornia Lumber Mcrchant (a corporation), 318 Central Bldg., Los Anceles.
J. e. Dionne, 318 Central BIdg., Los Angeles.
J. E. Martin, 318 Central Bldg., Ins Angeles.
A. C. Menyman, Estate of, Pasadena, California.
T. P. Wier, Houston, Texas.
W. T. Black, San Francisco, California.
3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages,-or other sicuriiies arc: (If there are none, so state.) None.
4. Ttat the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as titstee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporatim for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements mbracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stekholders and security holden who do not apoear upon the boks of the company as trustees, hold stmk and securities ir a epacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this afriant has no reason to believe that any other person, assciation. or corporation has any interest dirtct or indirect in the said stck, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him.
5. That the average number of copies of each issuc of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or othcrwise, to paid subscribers during the twelve months prcceding the date shom abovc is (This information is requircd from daily publietions only,) sworn to and subscribed ur.,. J;"EI#TIaT;1i"3"tff#"T;$:' tSEALl
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman experienced in both wholesale and retail business desires position. Well acquainted with the trade in Northern California, having traveled that territory for several years. Capable bookkeeper and omce man. Address Box C-687. The California Lumber Merchant.
As manager of retail yard. 17 years' experience; 40 years of age; married; no children. Clean, constructive record. Good references. Address Box C-689 California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Small going retail lumber yard for sale. Monthly sales since January lst averaged $SSOO.00. Low overhead. Reason for selling-other business interests. Address Box C-690, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Young man experienced in retail and wholesale lumber -in yard, omce, credits and sales, desires position. Not afraid of work. Southern California preferred. Address Box C-693, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with 20 years' exp€rience in Lumber, Hardware and Paint business desires position as retail yard manager. Southern California experience. Local references. Address Box C-694, California Lumber Merchant.
Wholesale lumber salesman Southern California Territory. Prefer know Redwood and dealers. Get in touch immediately with Box C-695 California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Yards For Sale
Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.
Yard in acdve Coast city doing $10,000 a month, real estate leased. Improvements $6,000, including one owned lot, equipment $4,(X)0, stock $8,000.
Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 87+6.