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Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany
The entire kiln operation is under the personal supervision of Harry Sherrill.
Another interesting feature of this installation is that special Moore-Kiln Fin pipe was used in the heating systems instead of plain pipe as is usual practice. The installation of fin pipe permitted the use of only one-quarter the usual amount of pipe required and thus materially reciuced the number of lines of pipe in the kiln and elirninated any restriction to air florv. It is pointed out that the pipe r,vas installed very economically and much time rvas saved by welding the pipe connections in the kiln insteacl of using couplings as is usual practice.
E. S. Evans, rvith offices at Detroit, Michigan, is presiclent of the Evans Products Company, and M. D. Tucker is vicepresident in charge of the fnternational Cedar Division. Charles Fox is superintendent in charge of production.
Opens Office At Phoenix
Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. has opened an ollice at Phoenix, Ariz., and Bill Davies has been appointed their Arizona representative. He has been connected with the NfcCormick organization for the past three years, working out of their Los Angeles ancl San Diego offices, Bill is a native of Phoenix, and a graduate of the University of Arizona.
New Dwellings and Apartments Account lor 62.9% ol L. A. Construction
The building permit valuation of nelv dwellings and apartments in Los Angeles accounts lor 62.9 per cent of the total construction for the first eight months of 1937. It exceeds the total for the same period in 1936 by over $6,000,000.
For the first eight months of this year, the building perrnit valuation in Los Angeles totals $40,918Jn, of which chvellings and apartments account for $25,766,582. In the sarne period in 1936, dlvellings and apartments accounted for $19O78,336 ancl the total for all construction amounted ro $38,662,952.
The follon'ing figures give the comparisons for the trvo YCATS :
When your town thinks building, does it think of you) to help you sell more doors
Ofrice and Storage Yard 6/;20 Avalon Boulcvard LOS ANGELES
Telephone THornwall 3144
Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine
Mouldinss \(/allboard Panels
Let us quote you o/.. your requirentents
The hundreds of dealers who havc tried the 10-10 Sales Plan don't argue about it. They agree that it is a business builder. They have learned, by experience, that the l0 points of superiority of WOCO and LAMINEX doors give them an important sales advantage and put extra profits in their cash registers. If you don't have all of the facts about the 10-10 Sales Plan write for them today.