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N. L. M. A. Directors to Meet in

New Orleans

Washington, D. C.-A meeting of the National Lumber l\{anufacturers Association Board of Directors has been called for November 10, 11 and 12, in New Orleans. On November 11 there will be a general meeting of the National Directors with the semi-annual meeting of the South, ern Pine Association. The program for that day rvill be arranged jointly by the N.L.M.A. and the Southern Pine Association.

This is the first time there has been a meeting of the Directors of the National Association in New Orleans since 1923, and. the Southern Pine Association is planning an entertainment prograrn with its characteristic hospitality.

Aside from the joint program, November 10 will be devoted to committee meetings, which will probably include trade promotion, standardization and advisory committee meetings. There will also be meetings of the corresponding committees of the Southern Pine Association. November 12 will be devoted to the official meeting of the N.L.M.A. Directors.

Preliminary to the New Orleans meetings, W. T. Murray, Chairman of the Standardization Committee of the National, authorized the calling of a meeting of that committee which was held at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, September 30 and October 1. This allowed an interval .of six weeks before the N.L.M.A. Directors' meeting in Neu' Orleans, thus allolving ample time to consider the advisability of seeking revision of American Lumber Standards.

With Wilkinson And Buoy

Ed Schafer has joined the sales staff of Wilkinson & Buoy of Los Angeles. Ed is well known to the Southern California retail lumber trade. Before coming to Southern California, he was connected with the lumber industry in the Norttiwest for manv vears.

With Firm Over 44 Years

Axel Sandstrom has been continuously employed by the San Pedro Lumber Company at San Pedro 'for over 44 years and is still working for the firm, going with them on May L4,1892. Other old-timers with the company are Bill Spickler and O. C. Abbott, Sr., each having been with the firm for 39 years.

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