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ct our Victotrille, Caliloraic, "Wet Procem" MilL rTrnEy say the modernization market is everlasting. That's I t n". But there's one room in many homes that can cause nore dissatisfaction than any other.

Hund.reds oJ wom,en ne'ax gou lteenly wanttlw conaen'iBnte that only a mnd.em, qttxant'i,ae hitnh,en can g'hte thern,

Why don't you go into the kitchen business? FHA has a time-payment plan to help you sell. Many Curtis Dealers make a specialty of remodeling kitchens. And lots of dealers have found that new kitchens planned the Curtis way actually help them sell house jobs!

Do you know that Curtis has helped "lVhs. America" plan over 50,000 kitchens? The combination of Curtis sturdy wood cabinets and the fact that these cabinets give the housewife complete freedom in choosing her color scheme, is one big reason for this popularity with dealers.

There's lots more to this Curtis Kitchen Planning story. You should know oll about it. Why not return this coupon today? Get the Curtis plan. You can make it work for you quixhlu, prof.tabl,g. If you live in Canada, write to W. C. Edwards & Co., Limited, 991 Somerset St. W., Ottawa, Canada. Curtis Woodwork ls Recommonded by Leading Archltocts Everywhere

(Continued from Page 6) darkey ans\rered: "Well, Cap'n, you oughta know-you sont fot me."

And I would be rich beyond the dreams of avarice if I had a dollar for every time I told the one about the company of drafted negroes who were marching up the street on the way to the depot, when a dusky boy in the curious crowd on the sidewalk recognized one of the marchers. "He/, Big Boy!" he shouted. "Whah is you gwine?" And the marcher glumly replied: "Ah ain't GWINE no placedey's TAKfN' me!"


But the most popular and most told colored draft story of the war, was when the idea of the draft wis first mentioned in Darktown. At first they couldn't believe it possible that they could "be tooked." One big fellow said: "Shucks ! Dass all foolishness ! Uncle Sam caint make me fight!" And a wiser and older one replied: "Nossuh: Uncle Sam caint make you fight! But I'll tell you whut he kin do ! He kin take you whah de fightin' is at an' let you use you' own judgment!"

A success story. The story of Congressman Martin Dies, Chairman of the Congressional Committee that for several years has been investigating un-American activities in this country. Two years ago a campaign was in progress to destroy Martin Dies and his committee. No one in Washington can remember a comparable case, where a public servant, engaged in a great patriotic effort trying to locate and ferret out the Fifth Columnists and the borersfrom-within, was subjected to such a tornado of misrep resentation, calumny, vituperation, and such a flood of ridicule. It continued for months. The many friends of this courageous and patriotic young man writhed with indignation at the public tortures and indignities to which the "hatchet men" subjected him. But he refused to quit. He kept on boring in on those who were boring in. And today he rides the crest of the wave of public approval, simply because we have since discovered that the things he was saying and claiming about conditions in this country two years ago, were only a shadow of the actual facts. History will praise the work of Martin Dies in uncovering our dangerous radicals and exposing their works. And now there are many men and women in Washington who would like very much indeed to have the public forget the nauseous flood of condemnation and misrepresentation and ridicule that they heaped upon the head of Martin Dies. They would like to have Mr. Dies forget. They are singing that good old song, "Let's forgive and forget." But if every baneful and malicious crusade of calumny against good men like Martin Dies is going to be so soon forgiven and forgotten, this would indeed be a difficult country for good people to live in. ft is much more likely that when the history of these strange times is written the campaign to destroy Martin Dies and stop his investigations into unAmerican activities within our borders will be given a very prominent page.


Sterling Lumber Company recently had an opening of its new offices and newly rearranged plant at its Petaluma yard. The enlarged facilities provide better customer accommodations and increased space for the showing of their merchandise. John P. Beck is manager of the Petaluma plant. Mr. Beck is well known in Petaluma where he has been associated with the lumber business for many years. He succeeded Maury Daubin who was recently transferred to the Mountain View yard.

Tha popular vote names STUCCO wherever quality is high

Construction records in scores ol communities show ihqt building good stucco is lhe surest wcy to increqse your volume. ol stucco business. People odmire stucco's beouty. They see how thol becuty endures. And lhey choose stucco lor their own homesl

It's not only more profitable for the plostering contrqctor, but just os ecsy to build stucco the bert wcryweotherprool cnrd durqble.


Slcrt. with,o. li gid, well-fromed structure. lnsist on q qood bqse. See thct protective struct-urcl detoils cre properly designed. Use only stucco mqde with PoRTLAND CEMENT or WATER-PROOFED PORTLAND CEMENT for qll coqts. Mix. opply ond cure it occording to opproved methods.

NEW 1940 EDITION of our "Plcgter- er's Mcnucl" covers ldtest specifico- tions qnd methods lor mcling good siucco. Write {or your copy,


Dept. I l0b-2{, 816 W. Filth gt,, Lo! Angelee, Cclil.

A nationol orgGizdlion 1o improve od extend ihe uses oI concrete , lhrough scientific reseorch Gd enginearing field work.

Vacationing In The East

D. G. MacDougall, MacDougall Door & Plywood Co., Los Angeles, is on an automobile tour of the East and will go as far east as New York. He will be back at his desk around October 15. Mrs. MacDougall and their son are making the trip with him.

Golf Winner

Roy E. Hills of Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, was the winner of the first flight in the Presidio Golf Tournament, September 29, defeating Major W. T. Wilsey ll and l.

€ €o^solete /i"c "f REDWOOD




For siding, trim inside and out, panels, underpinnings, posts and pickets you'll fi nd Palco Redwood Lumber at its best-accuratelv milledproperly cured-carefully graded.



Tndc Mark Reg.

Pat Oft, Palco I7ool means extra profits for the dsaler -extra savings for your customer. Permanentefficienteconomical. Made from Redwood bark-the insulation of the ages-the insulation of today.


Redwood Shokes & Shingles

Durable and 6re retardant, their rugged beauty and nut brown tones make them ideal for modern architectural requirements.


Constructed sectionally of selectedHeart Redwood. Thousaods- in use. manv for over 20 years. Easily assembleil by unskilled labor.

Easy ]o Work

Easy ]o Paint

Colilornio Pine Plywood cut {rom selected logs of so{t even-textured growth. An excellent bose for pcint qnd enomel linishes economicqlly applied. Stroight cors or mixed cors with lumber ond moulding items.

Try Pine

Red River

Sash and Door Wholesalers Golf Tournament October 17

The Wholesale Sash and Door Industries of Southern California will hold a golf tournament at the Potrero Golf and Country Club, 164O East Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, Thursday afternoon, October 17. The tournament will start at 1:00 p;m.

Among the prizes to be played for will be the membership trophy donated by the Sampson Co. and the Hollywood Door guest trophy donated by the West Coast Screen Co. There will be other prizes awarded to the winners of the various special events.

At 6:30 in the evening dinner will be served in the Club IIouse and will be followed by the presentation of prizes and cards.

The committee arranging for the tournament includes Orrin Wright, Paul Revert and Earl Galbraith. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, telephone VAndike 0845, Los Angeles.


Establishing the highest 9-month record in the past 15 years, permits for erecting 854O one-family dwellings valued at $29,323,454 were issued in Los Angeles between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30, according to C. V. Welch, superintendent of building.

September also was an outstanding month, 1042 permits with a valuation of $3,586,193 being approved, as compared to 7O2 permits amounting to $2,434,414 in the corresponding month of last year.

Total construction in the city last month was represented by 3650 permits, totaling $6,574,512, both figures being far ahead of the September, 1939, showing.


The new plant of the Aberdeen Plywood Corporation at Eugene, Oregon, is nearing completion and will be ready for operation around the first of the year. This plant replaces their factory at Aberdeen, Wash., which was destroyed by fire. The new plant will be an all hot plate press operation.

Revision ol !(/age-Hour Record-Keeping Requirements to be Considered Oct. 17

Acting on the request of spokesmen for several large i'dustrial concerns for further revision of the record-keeoing regulations issued under the Fair Labor Standards Act. the Wage and Hour Division today announced a public hearing on this subject for 10:00 A.M., October i7, in Room 3229 of. the Labor Building, Washington, D. C. (Fed_ eral Register October 1, 1940).

Dr. Gustav Peck, assistant director of the Hearings Branch, will preside at the hearing, called, in the languale of the official notice, to determine .,what, il any, "-arr-a_ ments should be made to Regulations, part 516ln respect to the records to be kept by employers of persons employed, wages, hours, and other conditions and practices of er.rpioy_ ment."

Representatives of large employers who already have complete records regarding the hours of work and pay of their employees, kept for other purposes, ha.lr" "o-piained to the Wage and Hour Division that the present language of ]he record-keeping regulations issued under the fuale and Hour Law, compels the keeping of certain additionil records which are burdensome. They have suggested that the requirements in the present regulations could be sim_ plified without sacrifice to the protection such records. give to the employees involved. The hearing, therefore, has been ordered so that their suggestions *"y.U" officially examined into, and if the changes they request can safely be made, their suggestions will be followed, A.ting Admin_ istrator Baird snyder declared in announcing the- hearing. _ _ Anyone desiring to appear or file a statement may do so. Notice of intention to appear,rnust reach the Administrator prior to 4:3O P.M., October 16. Written statements in lieu of personal appearances must be received. prior to 4:30 P.M. on October 17, the date of the hearing.

Meadow Valley To Have New Yard

The new yard and planing mill of the Meadow Vallev Lumber Co. will be located at American Valley where th-e company recently purchased twenty-five acres of land. The company expects to have two million feet of lumber piled at the new yard when the season closes. The planing mill and yard is now at Grays Flat. The mili is ai Spanish Ranch.

They Grow 'Em Big in Texas

Jake Richenstein, president of Cowser & Company, Dallas, Texas, who was on a business trip to the Pacific Coast a few weeks ag'o, recently sent four of the biggest watermelons ever seen in California to Jim Farley, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco; Bill Dorsey, The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia; Alfred D. Bell, Jr., Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, and E. E. (Abe) Abrahamson, Hammond Redwood Company, Samoa.

In a letter to each of these Redwood lumbermen Mr. Richenstein stated that when in California he had seen the big Redwoods, met a number of big lumbermen who did things in a big way, and incidentally noted on his tour the little things Californians call watermelons, and had therefore decided on his return to Texas to send them what he called real watermelons.

The melons were packed well and each was shipped in a zinc washtub. The one received by Jim Farley weighed 85 pounds and its smallest circumference measured 54 inches. At a Rotary Club luncheon in Scotia it was found big enough to serve all that were present with a generous piece. One man at the luncheon remarked that this one made California watermelons look like green olives.


The California Lumbermen's Council and five affiliated lumbermen's organizations were recently denied a petition for review of a Federal Trade Commission "cease and desist" order by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals.

Will Build New Planing Mill

A new modern planing mill, electrically operated, will replace the planing mill of the Southwest Lumber Mills at Flagstaff, Arizona, which was destroyed by fire last August.

Rudolph Bode

Rudolph Bode, 60, of Pittsburg, Calif., passed away in San Francisco on September 16.

A native of San Francisco, he is survived Mrs. Anne Bode, and three children, Rudy, Marion, all of Pittsburg. He was vice-president of C. A. Hooper San Francisco, former lumber operators.

Puts Life Into Your Ijumber Seijijing Strategy

lbis .Ufe house, desigmed as a stimul,ant to the building business, is another evidence oI how home buyers desire the protection which Wo'nanized Lumber* gives.

by his widow, Jr., Alice and & Company,



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Since 1888 oFrlcE ulr.t YAaD IND DOCIS

2Dd C Alice St*, Ocrhlqnd Glolcourt 8881

Make their desire work to your advantage. Show them how, by using WoLnanized Lumber for sills, joists, and subfloors, they get dependable protection against decay and termite damage, at less than 2/6 inuease in the cost of the ordinary house. And point out the usefulness of Wolmanized Lnmber in other types of construction, for sleepers, nailing strips, and all points exposed to moisfure, Aggressive selling of Wobnanized Lumber as a specialty helps you attract business to your yard. It brings extra opportunities lor selling standard materials. You can get Wolmanized Lumber fron leading lumber producers, who ship in mixed or shaight carloads. For more information about Wolmanized Lumber, and for sFr''ples of new folders which help you sell it, write to: AI\{ERICAI.I tIIMBm & TREA,TING COMPANY, 1648 McCormick Bldg., Chicago. tBegrirtered Trade-marl

I"os Angeles: l03l Soulh Broadwan PRospect 4!163 San Fralcigco: 116 New Montgomery St., SUtter 1225

SGEI|E: AIlYWHERE ilt TltE u. s. n. OI rll materieh ol thtr typc, Wolmanircd Lunbor alonc b rold undor onr bsnd mmr flom oort to cqt. ud lrclwyrpu. run tnrtrd rcooldlng to ono rtrndud nt of rpclft. cettou, lt tr dopmdrblc.

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