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California Retaifers' Annuaf Convention to be Held at Santa Barbara Nov. 7-8-g

The 21st annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Biltmore Hotel, Santa Barbara, November 7-8-9, 1940.

The committee is arranging for an excellent business program that will be of interest to the retail lumber dealers.

Roy Wenzlick of St. Louis, Mo., author of "The Coming Boom in Real Estate," will speak and explain in detail "Ifow much building there will be during the next five years." He is a nationally known analyst who studies and projects the future of building. His addresses to eastern lumber conventions have been enthusiastically received.

I. N. Tate, St. Paul, Minn., vice-president, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, nationally known lumberman and one of the ablest speakers in this country on lumber merchandising, will address the convention.

Thomas Dixon, Los Angeles, past president of the California Building & Loan League, is on the speaking program and will have an interesting message for the dealers. Representatives of the Federal Housing Administration and

" Lumber Literature" New Publication

Washington, Sept. 30.-A new 52-page catalog listing, illustrating and describing all printed information and literature available.from the federated lumber associations affiliated with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, has just been published.

Titled Lumber Literature, the booklet fills a long felt need. It contains between 100 and 125 halftone engravings and line drawings illustrative of the hundreds of publications described. The book itself is divided into sections, one of which is devoted to heavy construction; another to light construction; and a third to miscellaneous subjects. There is also a section, alphabetically arranged, of all affiliated associations and the publications that may be obtained from each.

Conditions under which the booklets and folders are available differ. Some are distributed gratis, while a nominal charge to cover postage and handling is made for others. Requests for literature should be sent direct to the office of the publishing association. The address of each organization will be found in the index of Associations on Page 44 of the publication.

Single copies of Lumber Literature are free and may be obtained by writing the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1337 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C., or any of the federated lumber associations.


Frank H. Watson, formerly with Hobbs Wall Lumber Co., is now representing MacDonald & Harrington in the Sacramento Valley.

Wage-Hour Division will also address the meeting.

An entertainment program is being arranged for the ladies who attend the convention. The annual dinner dance and floor shorv will be held Friday evening, November 8.

The committee in charge of the convention arrangements includes A. E. Fickling, A. E. Fickling Lumber Company, Long Beach; John W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Company, Santa Monica; Frank Gibbs, Gibbs Lumber Company, Anaheim; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles; E. C. Parker, PattenBlinn Lumber Company, Los Angeles; Frank Harrison, Santa Barbara.

The officers of the Association are Ray Clotfelter, W. R. Spalding Lumber Company, Visalia, president; A. E. Fickling, A. E. Fickling Lumber Company, Long Beach, vicepresident; F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, vice-president; George C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Company, Tulare, secretary-treasurer.

Indications point to a record attendance.

Increases Lumber Storage

A new lumber storage shed, 50 by 150 feet on trackage has been added by West Coast Screen Co.. manufacturers of the Hollywood door, at their plant at Il45 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles, making a total of 450 feet on trackage. This firm has about 1,250,000 feet of lumber in storage at present. Their fixed policy is to "acclimate" the lumber by keeping it for several months before using it in their products.

Aircraft Plywood Man Visits Coast

H. G. Bersie, special representative of the Haskelite Company, Chicago, manufacturers of aircraft plywood, recently spent some time in Los Angeles. Western Hardwood Lumber Co,, Los Angeles, represents this firm in Southern California.


Fountain-Smith, Petroleum Building, Los Angeles, are now representing Atkinson-Stutz Company, San Francisco, wholesalers of West Coast woods, in Southern California territory.

Lumberman Elected Supervisor

James Maddocks of the San Lorenzo Lumber Co., Santa Ctuz, was recently elected supervisor for Santa Cruz County, succeeding the late George N. Ley.


General Lumber & Supply Co. has opened a retail lumber and building material store at 806 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Benjamin Zuck, the owner, He was formerly a partner Lumber Co. of Brooklyn, N.

an experienced lumberman. the firm of Webber-Zuck is tn Y

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