1 minute read
In all this world
HOI\4E-With its cheery atmosphere, unity of thoughts and love-where we house our most beloved-entertain our friends and where life's sweetest hours are spent, is a posses-sion sought after, and sacrificed for by those who realize the importanc. of Ho-. Ownership.
Timely pleasures and extravagant ideas, however, are keeping many families from beg"Ti"g p_r9ud possessors of homes, and the rea€on lies principally at YOUR door-Mr. Building Material lv[g1shsn1-you have, and are, allowing inferioi businesses to grow and prosper through creative advertising, and efiicient salesmanship; businesses that have no right to attract dollars from you, were you playing the game of modern merchandising as they are.
_ If your business was equipped with a plan service, and you were using it; if you were advertising, soliciting and making your office refect home building ideas, b-acked -*ith th. slogan -that _everyone in your city is a prospect for some of the material you sell, you soon would 6nd that this represents modern merchandising.
Power of suggestion is an all important part of modern merchandising. This is forcibly bro-ught to_your attention when you see friends and neighbors driving u shiny, new automobile and living in a rented house. This one example in itself is evidence oi creative advertising and salesmanship, and there are many others equally as notable.
Now, if you have already equipped your business with our Service, work it overtime and make it_represent the best investment you have ever made. If we are not representing you let us tell you all gbo-ut our plan. Over 400 California Lumber Merchants will tell you it-is the most important department of their business, and we will appreciate the opportunity of serving you too.