3 minute read
California Retailers Form State-Wide Association; C. W. Pinkerton President; Tennant Resigns
President, C. W. Pinkerton--- ----'Whittier
First Vice-President, Fred E. Conner------Sacramento
Second Yice-President, F. Dean Prescott------.-Fresno
Third Vice-President, M. A. Harris--------San Francisco Treasurer, Herman Freese------.-.--.----------San Francisco
Board of Directors-C. H. Chapman, Santa Ana; W. T. Davies, Pasadena; D. F. Fickling, I-,long Beach; A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier: Elmore King, Bakersfield; J. C. Ferger, -F resno ; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno; W. E. I:andram, Merced; Geo. I-.l. Meisner, Liodi; Chas. G. Bird, Stockton; E. T. Robie,Auburn; Fred E. Conner, Sacramento; Henry Hess, Sebastopol; George Cardiff, Santa Cruz; Milton Doane, San Jose; A.M.S. Pierce, Oakland: E. L. Blackman, Oakland; M. A. Harris, San Francisco; William C. Chatham, San Francisco; Herman Freese, San Francisco.
California retail lumbermen now have an association all their own.
For the California Retail I.,umbermen's Association was born, with most promising prospects, at the Whitcomb Hotel in San Francisco last Saturday.
It is a husky, lusty youngster already-the direct successor of the California Lumbermen's Association which was formed" a year ago. The only difference between the new organization and its pred.ecessor is that it limits its membership to retailers, while the old one took in wholesalers and rnanufacturers as rvell.
But- it pur.poses to work with, and co-operate with, the manuJacturing and wholesale interests and, reciprocaliy, it has their hearty support and good will.
The new association is state-wide in scope and already has a membership representing every important retail distributin-g -district in California. Immediately following the close of the meeting more than fffty applicatlons for m"embership, accompanied by the initial payment of dues, were receivdd at the seeretary's desk.
It was a business-Iike and impressive convention and it was an ideal San Francisco day, so everybody was happy. No long-winded speeches, no tiresome aeUates miarred^ ihe proceedings. It didn't take Fred E. Conner, the president, long to find out that practically every one in attendance was enthusiastieally in favor of a state organization of retailers, which left adoption of a constitution and by-laws and election of officers as the only important business.
There wasn't even enough difference of opinion on any of these points to create a good., healthy argument.
The constitution is brief and concisel ft declares the object of the association, "to provide for its members such industrial services as will enable them to secure for their business its full productiveness and to assist them in obtaining and maintaining public recognition and appreciation of their position as community builders and loyal citizens. "
Provision is made against any rules or by-laws "stifling competition, limiting prod.uction, restraining trade, regulat- ing prices or pooling profits," and a further stipulation provides that "no coercive measures shall be practiced or adopted toward any retailer to induce hirn to join the association.tt
Any person, firm or corporation regularly engaged. in the retail lumber trade, carrying an assorted stock of lumber, sash, doors and other building materials, "reasonably commensurate with the demands of his community, f ' shall be eligible for membership.
An application fee of $10 is charged each member. Annual dues will be $50 for each yard having an investment of $25,000 and over, and $25 for each yard having an irivestment under $25,000. Provision is made for levying special assessments, not to exceed 2 cents per 1,000 feet sold in any one year. Retailers having more than one yard can take out memberships for one or several yards.
Management of the association is vested in a board of 21 directors, the terms of seven directors expiring each year. The president, vice-presidents and exeoutive committee are chosen from this board. The executive committee shall consist of the president and four members of the board.
Actual management of the association will be in the hands of n. secretary-manager appointed by the board, who also will fix his salary.
At the meeting of the newly elected board on Saturday the offir:e of secretary-manager was made vacant by thi rcsignatiorr of E. D. Tennant, who is anxious to return to his private business affairs in St. Louis. Mr. Tennant was ealled to San Francisco about six weeks ago to take up the work of preparing for the eonvention and, having successfully concluded the duties for which he was engaged, asked to be relieved.
The directors probably will leave the position vacant for some time until another capable man is secured. Meanwhile (Continued on page 44)
Redwood And Fir