2 minute read
Glorifying The Kitchen
The greatert change--the mort complete right-about-face-that the home building game har rndergone in the past twenty yearr, tiet in the glorification that has come to that once humble department-fflE KITCHEN.
The other day I went through a "Home beautifrilt' that war f,sing rhown the public in a very modern city. People of all rtations and clasres thronged through that modern and model home. Every room in the home war the very last word in t]pe, rgrle, layout, finirh, decoration, lighting, veutilation, and general attractiveness.
But it was NOT the living room, the library, the dining room, the bedr(x)ma, the breakfart room, nor even tfie sleeping porch that attracted the keenest attention of the entire throng of viritotn.
' they learning about modem kitchens from YOU?
It was the KITCHEN.
And the bathroom was ttre second mort popular place to the eye and interect of the average viritor. Thur har a migh$ change taken place.
It was the glorification of THE KITCHEN that caught the eye, and held tbe attention and interect. That kitchen was built by an erpert, and decigned to give to the hourekeeper every porsible modern convenience, arranged in the bert-thought-out manner.
How difierent from the kitchen of old, which war made up principally of rtove, dnk, table and "cupboard."
Here war a kitcherr in which the location of everything war carefully thought out. The stove war partly built into the wall. There war a beautiful kitchen cabinet built into the wall. There were white china closetsr Gupboard, storage place for potr and panr. There were built-in itoning board, refrigerator iced from withoug package receiving door, rmall wash tub, broom closet, cooling cloret, in addition to a sink placed jurt right, and wonderful ar to arrangement and utility.
It war all planned and beautified to help the woman of the hour*tbe real builder and ucer of the home.
And throughout the land tbe idea of glorifying the kitchen bar crept into all modern effortr at home building. It wi[ be done to even greater ex$:n( ar time goes on.
/ Some wire man har said: "lf I were building a home for ny familn I /would build a model kitchen, two model bathroomr, and a sleeping porch, ( *d buitd the rect of the house with wbat money I had left. Solomon in dl \ir widom, didn't have much on thir guy.
X[t. Lumber Merchant! Walk into a kitchen like the one dercribed bere. Be prepared to rhow THAT to the women of your town, either in picture or in redity, and you will no longer ray it it hard to "Create a demand for lurnber." It ir eary to do when you convert the lumber and millwork into a kitchen like THIS.
,"--Iou could get rich doing notbing but relling kitchens to yotr trade, ft yoo went at it right.
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