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Red Cedar Shingles, Stained any Color, Is Attractive Trade Feature
Red cedar shingles stained any color you want them soou will be available to the trade, as one of the biggest mills producing shingles in the Northwest is preparing to install the necessary machinery to do the staining, and it is probable that others will follow suit.
The Rite Qrader, the breezy "house organ" published by the Rite Grade Shingle Association in Seattle, says that one of the larger shingle stain manufacturers, located in the Middle West, has very recently been ln the Northwest with a view of establishing staining plants at a number of shingle mills. One plant is now in process of construction, and if entirely successful others will be built. The equipment is not experimental, several plants of this type being now in operation, but it is desirable to test it und.er conditions at the mlll to determine wh6ther any alterations will bg necessary. The pldnt has a capacity of 100 M per day, requiring one man for operation.
Under the present plan no charge is made to the mill for installing the plant, this cost being assumed by the stain manufacturers. The mill contracts to purehase stain from the stain manufacturer at a fixed and reasonable price, a certain amount of this price to be used exclusively for acivertising stained shingles.
For the present all stain will be shipped from the Micldle West, but with the establishment of sufficient staining plants on the Pacific Coast, it is planned to erect a factory for local manufacture of the stain.
ft is planned to give-no exclusive privileges and to allow all mills to contract on the same basis. Plants will probably be eonstructed at some of the British Columbia mills as'well as in the United States.
The advertising fee will be included in the cost of the stain and will be used exclusively to advertise stained shing_les. Should a number of mills contract for staining plants tlre advertising should be of sufficient volume to materially aid the shingle industry.
The stain to be used is a high-class, creosote-base product which has been sold in large quantity for years. In addition to the regular ingredients it may be found feasible to add a substance which will render the shinsles fire-resistant.
In the process the shingles are stained in the bundle as they come from the kiln. The amount of stain absorbed ad.ds sixteen pounds per M to the weight of shingles.
A .number of shingle manufacturerp are now interested, and it seems probable that the stained shingle business may very soon assume fairly large proportions in the Pacific Coast region.
This is one of the smartest merchandising efiorts ever attempted by the shingle folks and THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT congratulates them. It ought to prove a winner from the start.
Effective early in November, George H. Walker, manager for the Hart-'Wood Lumber Company in Los Angeles, will resign his position to engage in the wholesale lumber business at the head of his own company.
Mr. 'Walker is one of the veterans in the Hart-Wood organization. He began as a tallyman in the San tr'rancisco yards nearly 20 years ago. By means of his natural energy and ability. aided by strict attention to duty, he advanced. rapidl;' and in 1908 was given charge of the Los Angeles offir:e. I:[e has a wide acquainf,ance among lumbermen in the entire state and his many friends wish him aII kincls of su ceess.
T. B. Lawrence of the San Francisco office rrgill succeed him.
Prelimir_rary plans have been made by the W. J. Bettingen Lr_umber Company of Pasadena to open another ;'ard at Monterey Park, thus adding to the growing list oi enterprising yards the eompany already lias established in Los Angeles county. An attractive ofriee and salesroom will be built and provision made for carrying a substantial stock of lumber and building material.
Itost Retailers
Have educated their trade as to the REDWOOD SHORT situation so that they are using more shorts than ever before. Have youl
We have a DEPENDABLE SUPPLY, airdry and assorted as to widths and lengths.
Let us work with YOU in talcing care of YOUR trade.