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Southern Californians Meet in L. A. Nov. 18
Official notiee has gone out from the ofrice of F. L. Morgan, the secretary-treasurer, for the annual convention and. banquet of the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association in l-.ios Angeles on Saturday, November 18.
The meeting will open at 10 o'clock in the morning in the assembly room of the Alexandria Hotel. A brief business program will precede the speaking which will start at 11 o'clock. A number of prominent and well-informed speakers will have places on the program.
Another business bession will be helcl in the afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock and continuing until 5:30.
The banquet will start immediately following the business meeting. As is the usual custom, the women folks rvill be honored guests at the banquet. Some after-dinner speaking will round out the evening.
All lumbermen are invited to attend, whether members of the association of not. Mr. Morgan now is distributing banquet tickets from his ofiice, 614 Central Building.