3 minute read
Truth, Faith, Honesty in Salesmanship
Never ofier to waste a man's time by proposing to sell him something in which there will be no profit for him. Unless he will be the gainer by patronizing you, you had better not make the sale. "Ile who profits most serves most. " You must give before you can get. If you give worthwhile service, you will get three-foltl the returns.
'he first time you sell a man a bill of goods, you probably make little or no money on the deal. Perhaps you lose. But if you satisfy that customer you have nade a gain of his good will, a gain worth more in future transactions than a mere initial financial gain. Increase the service-rend.ering power of your employes, that of your individual departments, and each inclividual in each department, and you build an enduring business. No institution is stronger than its weakest department. We know of an instance where a messenger, the one weak point of a huge concern, failed to give proper service and cost the institution an account valued at thousands of dollars monthly. Make the institution right and the profit side of the ledger will be right.
Co-operation spells organization and organization spells success. Salcsmanship is the power to auswer questions and to overcome objections, Good salesmanship with a future for the house it represents, me&ns co-operation between the salesman, his firm and the customer. 'We want salesmen to come into our ofrices and present a proposition which will prove to our benefit, his own benefit ancl that of his house. The man who has his business thoroughly organized, can apply every seconcl of the day to his work.
You can develop the salesmanship qualities you have as you would. the muscles of your arm. If you have faith, ambition, reliability, truth, honesty, enthusiasm-each can be made in itself a power for you to wield. Reliability is the keystone of success. Let the customer know you are going to serve him honestly and give him a square deal at your hands. Undaunted faith is the greatest thing in salesmanship. Don't wait until night; say in the morning, "I:ord, I thank thee for the success of the day." Truthful- ness means a guarantee of honesty-it is harrl for a man to speak the truth when he is a liar. Do you renember Christ's instructions to the Jew, "If a man eompel thee to go one mile, go two. "
Sometimes honesty in salesmanship means giving even & little more than is actually required to make a deal stick. Show me the employe who comes to work a little early, is careful not to overstay his lunch hour, and if necessary, is not afraid to stay a little while longer on the job in the evening, and I will show you an employe who has the spirit of the second. mile. Perseverance can be developed to the point where you can't give up. There are four kinds of people; those who must be told what to do, how to do it and. watched to see that the work is d.one; those who must be told what to do and overseen while they do it; those who need. instructions and can be depended upon to carry out the orders, and those who need neither instructlons nor supervision. The employes inside the ofrice mean as much in the lasting frinedship between house and customer as any other department, eyen that of sales.
After the sale has been mad.e and the goods delivered and paid for, satisfaction must be there. Your salesmen can beeome very profitable to you by so handling their trade that orders come in by mail, telephone and wire. Let anything happen to the service-rendering power of your institution and satisfaction will be disturbed, confidence will fail and the customer will be looking for another firm from which to buy his lumber. Evolution in business is like the flying express train as compared with the old stage coach-the automobile compared with the spring wagon. To keep going you have to keep growing, or sooner or later your business rvill be taken over and run by some one who can make it grow.
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