1 minute read
BRIICE Ceda'line for the Man's Clothes ClosetBecause Bruce Ce da'line
It makes a handsome compartment, It has a pungent and pleasing fragrance, It is the last word in wardrobe appointment, It may be used at nominal cost.
Affords these excellent advantages, which are indeed splendid selling points for every lumberdealer. Bruce Ceda'line combinesTennessee's best aromatic Cedar withskilled manufacture, including perfect tongue, groove and end matching machine work. Here, dealers, is a real proft maker. ,tsk oar neorest representatioe,
Lawton lloring & Shinglc Company, Inc., Cincinnati Flmi Co., Cincinniti, Ohio Kilpatrich Broa.. Otlilioma Citv. Okle.
_ Philadclphia, Pa. Emcreon Hardwmd Co., PJnland, Qregon Preitridgc & Co;klin Lumbcr Co,,
E. L. Southern Company, Clcvcland,_Ohio tas. C. Noll Lunber Co.. Dcnvcr,'Coloi Wichiia, Kjnsas
Wm. C. McConncll Co., Cambrid8c, Borton, D. J. Petereon Lumbcr Co., Tolcdo, Ohio
E. Mar;hau. Tulsa. Okla. Maae.
Omaha Hardw6od Lumbcr Co., Bay Bros. Lumbcr Co., St. Iouis, Mo. Addison-Rudcsal Co.. Atlaota. Ga, ' Siour Citv. Iowa
Twin City Hardwod Lumbcr Co., Minncaota
H. W. Collins &-Q9., Columbur,Ohio