1 minute read
Those lUooden Boats
By Adeline M. Conner
'We've been told how Isabella sold her jewels for Columbus
A''d inspired him to go sailing far and witle; 'We've heard about his caravels, his little wooden caravels,
And how they conquered every adverse tid.e.
We know the ancient story from its very quaint beginning
Till the Indians said, " Columbus, we pereeive That we are now discovered, all our tiicks and traits uncovered,A cause for some regret, we do believe. "
So fame and empty honors, eulogies and anthems, 'We dump upon Columbus, now he's dead; 'We tell the thrilling story, sing his triumph ancl his glory, And build peculiar statues o'er his head.
But this is what I'm asking when all the bands are blaring, ' 'Who built the wooden boats that brought him here t 'Who furnished all the lumber, the sturdy, first-class lumber, And saw that it was $1SlE and. clear?"
I'm willing to do honor to grit and pluck and courage, I'lt yell HURRAH!and VIVA! I'm a fan; But 'mid the dolts and sages adorning hist'ry's pages, I'd like to fine orre famous lumberman.
Exports of Douglas ffr for the month of August wgre fulf 50,000,000 feet below those of the high record of _Mar_ch, this year, accord.ing to ffgures compiled by A:9l Oxholm, chief of the lumber division of the Unitecl States Department of Commerce.
The total exports for August was 35,270,000 feet in fir and 45,?68,000 feet of Southern pi!e. The March exports of fir reached a total of 87,158,000 feet. Since August, however, the volume of fir exports has increased', but the exact figures have not yet been comPiled.
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