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Line Yard Firm Conducts Successful Competitive Paint Sale
An event of much interest to the retail lunber folks generally because it demonstrates what may be clone with paint selling in retail lumber yard.s when properly pushed, was recently conducted by The Thompson Yard.s, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minn.
It was a special competitive paint sale in their own organization. They operate two hundred retail lumber 1'ard.s in Minnesota, Iowa, the Dakotas, and Montana. They staged a speeial paint sale for four weeks. They clividecl their yards into divisions and prizes were ofrered for the best division sale, and for the best individual yard sale.
It is worthy of more than passing remark to know that the clivision that won first prize for selling paint was one where there has been a very bad crop this year, and where building is very light in corNiequence of the hard times that follow a crop failure. Yet these yard.s outsold those where
A coat of paint is as much the exterior mark of reffnement and prosperity as a new suit of clothes. It is the open sesame to the good opinion of your community.
Go about in a shabby suit, worn, frayed. and dusty, and you are apt to fincl little success in your business career and Iess in your social aspirations. Neat raiment, not necessarily eostly, so that your garments are weII kept, will secure you a hearing and insure attention.
'When you apply to your banker for a loan, his decision is likely to be greatly influenced by your personal appear&nce.
The same condition applies to your home, your house, your barn, and your outhouses. You wiII be judgecl by their cutward appearances and will be classed accordingly, either as an asset, a responsible citizen and one who meets his obligations, or a poor risk.
You pay a premium to keep your property insured. against Ioss from ffre. A coat of fresh paint is triple insurance. It will help to prevent fire, it will be a safeguard against weather, and will enhance the value of your property.
eonditions have been good. As the Thompson Sales Manager puts it, their sale "proved eonclusively that selling paint is a matter of getting out and showing customers that it is costing more NOT to paint than it is to paint.
The management is enthusiastic over the results of the special sale, for the big reason that following the closing of the sale the active efforts during the sale created a momentum that is still holding up, paint sales at all the yards 'being considerably heavier than previous to the sale. This knocks into a cocked hat the idea that such a sale would d.eplete d.emand for some time afterwards.
They solcl over 12,000 gallons of paint during the four weeks of the sale.
And what is more, the sale thoroughly convinced all doubting Thomases in the concern of the wisdom of selling paint through retail lumber yard.s.
Fifteen years ago a well known Englishman who toured the United States was a close observer of conditions in the large cities which he visited. I[is partiug words to the newspaper men just before his ship sailed for home were: "The City of Washington is the cleanest spot on earth."
All patriotic Americans are proud of our national Capital. 'We grow enthusiastic over its beautiful buildings, its monuments, homes, and the general cleanliness which prevails all the time in almost every section of that city.
But today there are thousands of cities and town in America which are just as clean and sanitary as the City of 'Washington. They have been made so by the aggressive Clean Up and Paint Up campaigns which have become a regular annual feature of their civio life, as they are in 'Washington.
The best way to sell lumber is in the ehape of a home, a barn, a garage, or some other building thing.
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the rale of PAINT, not as a sideline, but ac a leading building materialn should firrt consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter.and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materialr arc nade for tbe contractor who T H E knowr what rnatcrialr will do to agirt in ro paintins the lurnber ar to inprovc itr acceptability.
WE HAVE A pAtNT pROpOSIT1ON FOR L1TMBER 908 S. Main St. YARDS. Witt bc plcarcd to rubnit it on rcqucrl