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Weyerhaeuser Sales Company
Weyerhaeuser Forest Products
General Offices, Old National Bank Building
General Manager ------L. S. Care, Spokane, Wash. Arst. General Manager --------------- -I. N. Tate, Spokane, Warh.
Branch Offices
New York, N. Y.---- ---Room 1908, 220 Broadway
Baltimore, Md. ---.----------------------912 Lexington Bldg.
Chicago, Illinois --------1052 Cont. & Com'l Nat'l Bank Bldg.
St. Paul, Minnesota-- --802 Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 740 Lumber Exchange
Denver, Colorado ----406 Chamber of Commerce
Selling Representatives for
Cloquet Lumber Co.---------------------..Cloquet, Minn.
Johnson-Wentworth Co...--.--------..---Cloquet, Minn.
Northern Lumber Co.----------------.-----Cloquet, Minn.
Snoqualmie Falle Lumber Co.-------.--Snoqualmie Falls, Wagh.
Boiae Payette Lumbcr Co.----------------Boiec, Idaho
Bonners Ferry Lumber Co.----.---------Bonncrs Ferry, Idaho
Humbird Lumber Company--..---.--.-Sandpoint, ldaho Potlach Lumber Company....--.--------.Potlach, Idaho Edward Rutlcdce Timter-Co..-..-------Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Weyerhaeusct Ji-b"r Co,-----.--.-----Everett, Warh' Vicioria Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ltd.----Chemainus, B. C. Weycrhaeuecr Timber Co, (Baltimore Br'ch), Baltimorc, Md'
District Sales Managers
R. W. Hunt- -.--------------Everett, Washington
R. E. Erwin- ------..----.---Boiee, Idaho
S. P. Johna, Jr..-.--------.---.------.-----.---.-snoqualmic Falls, Wash.
P. M. Lachmund------.-----------------------Potlach, Idaho
J. Philip Weyerhaeuser-------..---...---.-Coeur d'Alene, ldaho
A. D. Remingtor-----.---.--------.--------.-.Sandpoint, Idaho
D. M. Palmerl -----..---.--.Bonttrs Ferry, Idaho
C. J. Mulrooney--------------------------.-----Baltimore, Maryland
District Traveling Representatives
Lawrcnc3, Don,, Dirtrict Manager, fO24 OId Nat'l Bank Bldg, - irosart, H. M., 116 Trowbridge Ave., Grand Rapidr, Mich.
JlrcKane, waan.
Keize-1, R. G., Dirtrict Manager, tO52 Cont. & Con'l Nat'l BanL
Markham, Rbt', 1052 Cont' & Com'l Nat'l Bk' BtdS'' Chicago' Ill' -----Cf,lcico-.'fTt Burke, F. H., rO52 Cont. & Com'l Nat'l Bh. Btdg., Chicago' Ill.
Clutcr_R. V.i Diltrict Manager, 802 Merchante Nat'l BanL BIdg. Cormany, C. P., 1052 Cont. & Com'l Nat'l Bk. Bldg, Chicago, lll. Jt. raut, Mtnn.
Lawif-w.--ri.,-'iia". pept.,4o6 chamber or comnercc, Denver, il"l11l;"i;,"i'":'i.%.tlLYr'l,tT1,lllTfi;.,".
CololfcDlrffec, P. E.,,lO4 Old-N_at'l-Bqnk_Bld_g-- Sp_qkane, {_1eb. Watts, J. E., 429 ?a* Placc, Milwaukc:, Wisconein. llowis. J. R.. 1052 Cont. & Com'l Bank Bldc.. Cb,icago, Ill. Mundirger, G. A., p. O. Sox iSO, Orhkoah, Wircontin.
Rlck. L.W.. Room 19 lE.22OBroddway, New York, N. Y. :'---:-T:'---':-:-:-" i'--' "T-"':.'.-'--::'.:'-'
C;;4, h:'ii;-44 L;;i";t;;-f";-"";;Ei;i-'id;;-GE), Ivr""s. williams, w. A.,436 sunEit Ave., Earr clairo, Wircmsin. Goodrich, H. P.' .lo8 W6t 115th Street, New York, N. Y. Archibald. T. S.. l?Og Davcnlort Ave.. Davenport. Iowa. Steteon, A. F. Jr., 216 Wert l0zd Street, New York, N. Y. Bcnsgtone. A. L:. P. O. Box 63. Wateiloo. Iowa.
Gifrord, E O- Ncv Hartford, N. Y. Barfier. H. W.. P. O. Box 52. Marchalltown. lowa.
Rumbold, -J._H- 16? Chrictiana Str.ct, N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Hedlun4 O. L:, P. O. Box 6d,1, Sloux City,'Iowe. Millcner, S. P., 6E Grove Street, Tom*anda, N. Y. Williamjon. Niihotas. p. O. Birx zls. Fo-ri Dodlc. Iova. Goodhu., T. H., 560 Eactem Parkway, Broklyn. N. Y. Icenberrer.'C. E.. 74O Lumber Exchanirc. Minucapbllr. Mlnu. !-erdoy_' G. Gr., P. O. Eox r4l, Eaet Ora4gc, I!. J, Wclptoi-, Arch L., ?4O Lumber Exchan-gi, Minncipolii, Mlnn. Kay, Harry 4.' 1222 North Frazicr St., PLihdclpbi!, Pt. Stewart.'T. A.. Northfield. Minnccota. !!origo:' -{olft' It. -Dulpce Hotelr- Wilkcsbare, Pa.
Gregr, P. M., 3239 Fint Avc. So., Mlnncapolir, Mlancrota. qhultlcff_, E. N" E, O. Bo1 212, Willlamaport, Pa.
Keck, Edward E., Alexandria, Mirincrota.Fredcrickeon, A. N', f?O West State Str@t. .Trenton. N. J. Barb6ur. L. W.. P. O. Box 515. Witchlta. Kanras. f,,nox, Q. B. 32O So. Linden Avc., Philadclphia. Pa.'
Hurhea.-F. J.. i2E World Hcrata Buildinr. Onaha. Ncbrerka. Feinaugle' L. J., 6262 Canegie Ave., Plttrturgb, Pr.
Roy-. H. B.. P. O. Bor 3O3. Llncoln. Nebiigka.
No'rion, W. H,, P. O. Box-582, Haitlngr, Nebradra. Iucffit' J._P- Vonhof Hotel, Manrfield, Ohio.
Emcr:on,_F. G..-9r_2 Lcllngto4 Bldg.r-Baltlmoro, Md.
Lolsel,'S. M.. P. O. Box .176. Norfolk. l.libracka.
Youni, O. L., care P. O. Boi fo6e. Minot. N. D. s-trGy' C-!a3. L.'Jolcdo' Ohio.
Bu.hoDg: K. E, 1_E-6-9_Colonnadc Road, Clevcland, Ohio
Wiltiame, Earl D,. 516 Wcet llth'Srrcct.'Sioux Falle. S. D. Moo.tt, UuFber._Egr!3"r. Ho-tel, Indianapollq,_Ind.
Bovee, c.-L,, P. o.-Box 812, Bit|inge, Montina. Colline, B. D., aEs.t David Ave., Detrolt, Miihtgan. MacD6nat4'c. H., Z2Z WtftJ Sutl-alli; S"aid;, \t/arhtnston.
Orders or lngulrles addressed to ony of our oftces. or tepresentatlws or sent dlrect to the mllls, wlll haae prompt and carehtl attentlon