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San Pedro LumberCo. in New Quarters
'With an elaborate new ofrice builcling fully equippeil to meet the requirements of a growing trade, and. a yard capable of carrying a million feet of lumber, the San Pedro Lumber Company opened its new quarters at Long Beaeh on October 16.
After repeated moves from one location to another, due to the rapid growth of the city, the company now appears to be permanently and comfortably establishetl in the West Seventh street harbor district, at which point it is convenient to receive lumber shipments by both rail and water, and at the same time make prompt and regular distribution.
The company make$ a specialty of oil rigging and. other lumber supplies for the oil industry, but also is thoroughly equipped to cater to the ordinary industrial and resid.ence construction trade.
The yard at Long Beach will carry approximately 1,000,000 feet of well assorted. Iumber stocks, but a large reserve supply will be maintained at the wharfs at San Pedro. A huge warehouse carries an immense stock of cement, wallboard, plaster and other builcling material.
A spur track has been built into the yarcl by the Pacific Electric. X'ourteen automobile trucks make up the local delivery service. Deliveries are made for many miles into the territory surrounding Long Beach.
To provide against wet weather the new yard has been underlaid with a series of drain pipes. All the alleys will be paved.
Particular attention has been given the ofrice, both for the accommodation of the employes and the public. A moclel kitchenette has been fittetl out so that the women employes can prepare their lunch. A well appointed rest room for women also is maintained..
A plan and estimating service is being installed to serve prospective home builders. The entire property as well as the serviee are modern and complete in every particular.
The San Pedro Lumber Company is one of the oldest business institutions in I-.rong Beach. It was established in 1882, when Long Beach was but a struggling seaside village. Encroachment of other industries has caused it to nove three times since then, but the present home is thought to be good for an indeffnite period.