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Zelzah Sits "Ace High" in San Fernando Valley SPEET) Get's'Em!
Here is the latest picture of the llammond T'rumber Company's office building at Zelzah, one of the most enterprising covn,munities in Southern California.
And the Hammond. organization is represented, at Zelzah by a manager who is able to keep up with the enterprising spirit of the place. He is A. M. Fellows, who has been in the lumber business for a great many years and who believes thoroughly in modern merchandising methodB aud applies them in the conduct of his business.
"At the rate of increase in our trade we soon will have to enlarge all of our facilities, " says Manager Fellows.
"A boom is under way in this valley-the palm of 'the hand that will feed Los Angeles-and Zelzah is 'Ace Iligh, the One-spot of the San Fernando Valley."'
We've got the quality of goods to eupply the Southern California lumber trade, and above all, we have the ability to give unequalled service in the matter of delivery. 'We make
24 Hour Delivery
to any part of Southern C,alifornia on Stoch Material
One weekts delivery on Special Manufactured Material lE=-rl
We carry in stock a big supply of fir and white pine doorg windows, and sash. AIso glass. Also fir and redwood columns, fir and redwood garage doon.
Retail lumber dealers, contractors and architects who sometimes have difriculty in figuring out the sizes and character of timber required. to support certain given loads in a building now have at their ready disposal a means by which these facts can be quickly and accurately determined.
The National Lumber Manufacturers' Association has just issued, for free distribution, a comprehensive series of tables giving all the information along this line that the retail lumber dealer ever will want.
Spans are given in the tables for joists of sizes of 2xG to 2x14, 3x6 to 3x14,and 4x6 to 4x10, these being the sizes generally encountered in buildings. Spans are given for these sizes spaced 16 inches on centers and also 72 and 24 inches on centers,
These tables are intended for use primarily in construction of warehouses, industrial buildings, public buildings and all other structures that nust be designed with the factor of strength and safety in mind.
We Make Special Inducements On Orders Of 2oo Or More Openings
lf you went Qr.dity, Satirfaction, Service and Fart Dclivcry, write, wire or phone ur.
Telephone: Pico 6740
Independent Wholeralcre 2024-26 BAY STREET LOS ANGELES