1 minute read
Work With the Furniture Man
The leading live wire furniture dealer of the town is a mighty good man for the lumber merchant to work in cahoots with. Ilave you ever thought of the possibilities in that direction, Mr. Dealer?
EIS business is directly connected with the business of SHEIJTER, and since YOUR, business is the furnishing of SIIEIJTER, you should work together by aII means.
X'or example, FURNITUB,E cannot be merchanclised until there exists SHELTER in the shape of a house or building that needs it; it is of little use to people who live in tents.
Therefore, FURNITURE dealers are almost as much interested. in increasing the number of furniture needing tsUIIJDINGS in your town, as YOU are, because they simply mean more places where HIS stocks will be needbd.
So it would seem that if properly approached on the subject, your live furniture dealer would. be interested in helping YOU sell more homes. You can make a reciproeal arrangement by displaying in YOUR, office or sales room, specimens of the I'URNITURE he would iike to sell, and in return HE couid display in his wind.ow some of YOUR, pictures of the beautiful and attractive HOMES that you want to sell.
Remember that he sees and talks with a lot of people in his business of selling furniture whom YOU may seldom see; people who might be in the market for a new home, and which he might well be in position to'tip ofr to you. He couid tell you of people who are planning to buy new furniture for the old home, and. who would likely be interested in some remodeling work to MAKE THE OIJD HOME NEW before they put the new furniture in.
A word from the furniture man to these people about YOU might easily mean a gootl building job for YOU.
You might get some of the merchants of the town working with you on that same basis. The PAINTER, the PAPER, IIANGER, the DECORATOR, the IIARWARE merchant, the CARPENTER, the MASON, and the IJIGHT AND FUEII people, and scores of others, are directly interested. in getting MORE HOMES built in your town.
More homes mean more families, and. more families mean more business for all the merchants of the town
Co-operate with the other folks through YOUR, suggestions, and. see if you do not profit thereby.