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New Orleans Store Can Serve as Modol, Even to California
California is not the only state that boasts a great number and variety of modern builcling stores.
Not by any means. Here comes good old, romantic old, I-rouisiana-New Orleans, to be particular-to the front with about as attractive and. as classy a home for a lumber business as can be found anywhere.
It is the new ofrice, home, salesroom, service room and place of business of the Salmen Brick & Lumber Company, one of the oldest and. most reliable institutions of the kincl in that part of the country.
They hacl a formal opening of the new store a few weeks ago and the natives are still talking about what wonderful retail merchandising establishment it really is. It is reported that fully 20,000 persons visited the new store the first day, and hundreds have been visiting it every day since. For it really is a show place, both outside and. in.
It is something different than even the ultra-mod.ern builcling stores with which Californians are more or less familiar.
The building store occupies a space of 115 feet by 30 feet. It has a total of 65 feet of wonderful show windows. Finished in a beautiful variety of brick, it is at once an artistic structure and an excellent advertisement for the company's products.
The main entrance is at the right where the group is seen in the picture. A T-shaped hallway subdivides the building, the entrance leading into the top of the "T". Along the "stem" is a wide corridor which is shown in another of the views here reproduced. Along this corridor on either side of the building are the display rooms containing every phase of modern thought in home building and furnishins. The models of rooms and built-in features are