1 minute read
Ilipolito Screen s#h Co.
full size, not miniatures giving every opportunity to the prospect of seeing exactly what the deatils of his or her home will be like when eompleted.
A partial view of the model kitchen is here reproduced.. It shows a wonderful built-in china closet. drawers and eompartments, built-in ironing board. Adjoining this room is a quaint Pullman breakfast room. Dining room and. living room are visions of beauty, striking features being the brick flre place and mantle in each room. The bed room is also an artistic creation with built-in boudoir and in-a-d.sor bed.
Throughout the finest and best of material is used showing the results of much thought and careful study and planning. The use of casement windows throughout adds much to the attractive appearance of the building. At the far end of the building, separated from the display rooms by the top of the "T" are the general offices.