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Many Californians at Logging Congress
A number of prominent California loggers and lumbermen were scheduled to speak on the progran at the thirteenth annual session of the Pacific Logging Congress at' Tacoma, October 25,26,27 and.28. Several other California lumber operators attended the meetings which were among the most successful ever conducted by the organization.
Following are the California speakers and the subjects that were assigned to them:
Derby Bendorf, Pacific Irumber Co., Scotia, Accident Prevention in I-:ogging Camps.
W. W. Peed, Hammond Lumber Co., Eureka, Cost Accou:rting in Logging Operations, Student Logging Engineering, Steam Shovels in I-.rogging Railroad Construction, and Logging Engineeri:rg.
G. E. Boyle, Mendocino Lumber Co., Mendocino, I-.lowering Systems (Relative Merit of Incline Against Steep Railroad Grade).
D. S. Denman, Northern Redwood Co., Kerbel, Cal., same.
'Walter Mulford, University of California, Berkeley, Student Logging Engineering from Standpoint of Forest School Faculty.
R. A. Richardson, Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, Student Loggiug Engineering from Standpoint of Logging Operator, and Steam Shovels in Logging Railroad Construction:
M. D. Gray, Jr., Union Lumber Co., Fort Bragg, Tight Line and Slack I-,ine Systems, and. Producing 'Wood Fuel.
T. W. Hine, Holmes-'Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka, s&me.
Charles W. Murphy, Weed Lumber Co., Weed, Steam Shovels in I-:ogging Railroad Construction.
George W. Johnson, West Side Irumber Co., Tuolumne, same.
M. V. Rath, Standard I,umber Co., Standard, same.
S. M. Bum,p, Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, I-:ogging Pine With a Tractor.
Ilarry White, Red River Iiumber Co., Westwood, same.
Chas. McGowan, I:assen Lumber & Box Co., Susanville, same. ,j
James Danaher, Jr., Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Cal., Forest Fire Prevention in Camps.
E. A. Sinclair, GIen Blair I.lumber Co., GIen Blair, Producing Wood Fuel.
After the yard manager receives an OKed Recommend. it is then necessary for him to keep it up to date. Unless he does so it is worthless. The manager is responsible for its correctness at aII times. If the court house reports show that d.oeuments have been filed whioh change the rating the Credit Department must be notified at once. This change is then made on the Recommend.
In this manner local sales managers have a complete and up-to-date list of every customer who is entitled to credit in his community.
If his list is not complete it is not fair to his customers.
Neither is it fair to the company.
'We might. say, too, that it is unfair to the manager, because it robs him of his chance for making a satisfactory showing as a yard manager.
That is why it is interesting to go out into the fiIes of the Division Auditors and check up the number of Approved Crettit Ratings on file at each yard.