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Reforestation in California's Pine Woods Makes Progress
Reforestation of California white and sugar pine forests in the last few years has met with distinct success, and. at the present rate of progress it is unofficially estimated that eventually the forests will be reproduced as fast as they are cut. Thus a perpetual supply of timber will be available.
This work has been carried on effectively in the last few years by the United States forestry service in co-operation with the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association.
In more recent years fire patrol work has had an important part in reforestation work, as it is generally realized that reproducing the forests is largely a matter of keeping the fires out. The volunteer growth of new trees will cover the cut-over lands if they are not checked in their incipiency by destructive fires.
The accompanying picture shows a growth of young forests fifteen years after the original forests were cut over.
It is estimated by the forestry officials and by the best in-
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form.ed pine owners that good, merchantable saw-timber, equivalent to the original growth now being cut, ean be reproduced from 40 to 150 years.
The California White and Sugar Pine operators are among the foremost timber owners in the country in their systematic and scientific efforts to reforest their denuded areas.
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While the state of Washlngton is at present the first state in the production of lumber, Oregon has the largest remaining stand. of timber. The total of the merchantable timber standing in the forests of Oregon is new estimated. at 444 billion feet. 'Washington comes next, with 301 billion leet, giving these two states a total of 745 billion feet out of a total of probably not more than 2,500,000,000,000 in the whole of the Unitecl States.
If the present rate of cutting is not increased the supply of raw material in the two states is enough to keep the present mills busy for ninety years. Ilowever, with the red.uction of the enormous volume of lumber that has flowed. from the Southern states in the last thirty years, and the virtual disappearance of Northern and Eastern forests, the rate of cutting in these two states will undoubtedly tend to increase, so that forest conservation and reproduction is already a live oubject with them.