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Minton Company at Mountain View Has Good Display at Fruit Show
One of the most attractive displays at the recent Prune and Apricot exposition at Mountain View, and one of the rnost effective pieces of ad.vertising, too, was that of The Minton Company, of which Earl D. Minton is the presideut tlnd general manager.
The eentral feature of this exhibit was a model bungalow, made of Beaver Board. The roof was made in two sections, being hinged at the ridge and opening up, showing all partitions and. interior cabinet work.
The company's own planing mill made a complete set of miniature furniture, so that the house was presented to the view of the public, furnished in every particular.
Fully 1,000 people examined the arrangement of the room and the placing of the furniture, and listened to explanatioqs by the company's own experts on the construction of the house and other details.
" Our booth was a complete success, " says Mr. Minton, "and we feel positive that it started many people into the notion of building who previbusly had not been considering the subject.
The attractive little booth was well suppliecl with literature which was distributed to aII comers. One circular car- ried on the front page the editorial from THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER, MERCIIANT on "What Home Ownership Does for a Man, " describing the vision and courage and energy that the responsibility of a family of kitten gives to a mother cat, beset with the attacks of a marauding dog. The story was illustrated with an apt cartoon drawn by one of the company's own employes.
On thi other side of the circular was told, briefly, some of the proud distinctions of the Minton Company which, it was explained, now is turning out a complete five-room , bungalow, or its equivalent, every working day.
Customers from San Francisco, San Jose, Palo Alto and the entire Peninsula come to Mountain View for their millwork. This makes one think of that little couplet of Emerson's which says : " The man who can preach a better sermont write a better book, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."
Of course, Mountain View is not in the woods, and The Minton Company does not make mouse-traps, but the famous service of Thie Minton Company is helping to make Mountain View grow still larger.