1 minute read
Redwood Dealer Service is Popular With California Retailers
' California lumbermen are taking enthusiastically to the splendicl dealer service ofrered by the California Redwood Assoeiation.
The association ofrices in San Francisco report that a great many retail lumber merchants in various parts of the state have asked to be "counted in', on this iervice and are preparing to make full use of all the facilities the association ofrers them.
The association's campaign with the dealers nakes cfrective use of both literature and newspaper advertising cuts. Thus the dealer is able to reach his prospects throug[ two difrerent channels-either an incomplete means without the other
The newspaper advertising is planned to cover a consid.erable period of time, as the association tries to impress upon the dealers the ad.vantages of continuous advertising service through their local papers. This part of the service consists of twelve attractive copper euts, varying in size from one column by five inches, to three columns by seven inches. Each cut has an illustration suggesting a particular use for redwood., with a brief text describing that use. No two cuts are alike. Space is provided for insertion of the dealer's own name, so the advertising, printed in his home town paper, will appear as his own.
The association supplies these cuts at actual cost, but requests for cuts and other features of the serviee should be made through the redwood manufacturer or distributor from whom the dealer regularly obtains his supplies of redwood.
Appearance and Durabitity
Building Dividends
Redwood fence posts, well curbing, silos, mud sills and drain boxes resict rot. That's why they help make the farm pay more.
Write or phone for bailding matcrials.
Dealer's Name Here
You build for generations when you build of Redwood, for it resists rot. It always I ooks well for both inside and outside finish and trim.
Write or phone Jor building materials.
Dealer's Name Here
Milt Roots
For a satisfactory mill or factory roof, use Redwood. It lasts.
Properly constructed your Redwood roof always prevents excess moisture condensation. It insulates.
W rite or phone Jor al I b ui ldin g materi al s,
Dealet's Name Here
Typical newspaper cuts furnished to dealers in
Redwood Associition.